Learning objectives
The course aims at providing a first introductory and yet significant knowledge on the problems and the (mainly abstract) methods of PDE's.
The contents of mandatory courses of a standard italian course of Mathematics
Course unit content
Aim is first to give a panoramic about the PDE's (=partial differential equations), second to study in a more detailed way II order hyperbolic equations with abstract methods.
Full programme
A detailed program in format docx. or .pdf may be asked via email to alberto.arosio@unipr.it - as well as any clarification about this course
No specific reference textbooks. The topics of the course are chosen by the instructor and may be found in several different classical and modern books on the topic.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson, by means of slides (= transparencies) and traditional blackboard. Motivations, applications, examples and counterexamples will be provided. If possible, Heuristics will have space.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam will consist in an oral exam, aiming to evaluate the learning
ability of the scholar and the quality and rigor of the exposition.
Other information
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