cod. 15666

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
450 hours
of face-to-face activities
18 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The final exam (Master Degree) consists in an original paper (thesis) written by the Student, under the supervision of a Professor. The thesis may consists in an in-depth analysis of a social service, its structures and its problems, and / or of the proposal of a social intervention project.


In order to be admitted to the master degree exam (18 CFU), the student must:
- have passed all the proficiency tests and have got the required number of CFU;
- be in compliance with the payment of the fees and others
additional costs;
- be enrolled in the master's degree examination.

Course unit content

The thesis is presented during a public discussion with a committee of Professors, in order to verify the competences acquired by the candidate in selecting and reworking the literature, international too, about the chosen topic; in case of research-thesis, the candidate must show to be able to use the main social research’s methods and also to have autonomy of judgment.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

Art. 19 – Evaluation of the degree exam.
19.1. When assigning the score, referred to in the preceding Art. 16, paragraphs 2 and 3, the Commission for the degree exams shall provide for the assessment:
-overall votes, and praises, obtained by graduating in curricular profit examinations;
-The time of conduct of the studies and any other related activities;
-the written writing, on which the graduation is discussed in front of the Commission for the degree exams;
-The argumentative and expository capacity, also with reference to the questions posed by the members of the Commission other than the rapporteur.
19.2. In order to facilitate the conditions for optimum evaluation, as referred to in the preceding subparagraph, each president of the committees for graduation examinations shall invite each rapporteur, at the beginning of the sitting, to report the arguments in his opinion deserving of a vote between The five and eight points, and, in any case, those aspiring to the declaration of praise.
19.3. Where it is deemed appropriate, the Chairman of the Committee on graduation exams may invite each member of the Commission to cast his vote from zero to ten.
19.4. The Commission for the degree exams may decide, unanimously, the award of praise, in only cases where: the candidate's curricular career presents the achievement of more praise, especially in the profit exams related to teaching Fundamental The degree thesis presents a high degree of accuracy in the elaboration and the results achieved; The discussion in front of the Commission for the degree exams has shown high argumentative and expository capacity of the graduate, also with reference to the questions posed by the members of the Commission other than the rapporteur.
19.5. In the event that the rapporteur deems the proposal to be deserving, the Commission for graduation exams, the conferral of the dignity of the press on a doctoral thesis, it must inform the Director of the Department, at his e-mail address at the university, at least twenty days before the scheduled graduation exam date. In this case, the director, who received a copy of the thesis from the student, appoints a commission of five first-band professors, who, at least three days before the graduation exam date, are required to inform them, in writing, of their Judgement on graduation dissertation, expressed by absolute majority. Of the judgement expressed by the Commission, the Commission for the degree examination shall be communicated to all the members. The Commission for the degree exams, taking into account the above judgement, may decide, unanimously, the conferral of the dignity of the press.

Other information

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