Full programme
Introduction: brief history of the geomorphology; basic concept in geomorphology.
Weathering and associated landforms. Short account on physical and bio-chemical weathering processes and related landforms. Notes inherent detritical cover and soil formation. Palaeosols and their significance in regional geomorphological evolution.
(Cremaschi M. “Paleosols e vetusols in the Central Po plain (Northern Italy)”, Ed. UNICOPLI, Milano, 306 pp., 1987). Bland W. & Rolls D. -”Weathering - a introduction to the scientific principles”, Arnold Ed., Londra, 1998).
Structural landforms and their evolution: sedimentary and igneous rocks morphoselection landforms and their morphologic evolution. Giura, sub-alpine and appalachian chains evolution styles. Planation surfaces and exumation processes. Morpho-neotectonic deformation and faulting processes and related landforms; relationship from hydrography and neotectonic movements. Photo-interpretation of several examples of 3D structural landforms.
(Bartolini C. - "I fattori geologici delle forme del terreno- ", Pitagora, Bologna, 1992; Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985).
Slope processes and landforms (Wash and mass movements): Rain wash processes and landforms; mass movements: causes, types and evolution. Riverbed and valley slope modifications connected to landslide event. Some 3D examples of landslide types and big landslide in Apenninic area.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Summerfield M.A.-”Global geomorphology”, Longman, Essex, 1991; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education SpA, Milano, 2010; Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985; Turner A.K. and Schuster R.L. (Eds.) – “LANDSLIDES: investigation and mitigation”, TRB special report 247, Nat.Acad.Press, Washington D.C., 1996).
Fluvial geomorphology: short account on hydrodynamics; erosion, transport and sedimentation processes; bed geomorphology and fluvial bed evolution; graded fluvial bed profile and causes of their modification. Fluvial terraces: origin, significance and evolution. Delta and estuarine genesis. Analysis and interpretation of fluvial landforms by means of photos 3D.
(Marchetti M.- “Geomorfologia fluviale”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2000; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education, SpA, Milano, 2010; Casati P. e Pace F. -"Scienze della Terra- L'atmosfera, l'acqua, i climi, i suoli", CittàStudi, Milano, 1991; Summerfield M.A. -”Global geomorphology”, Longman, Essex, 1991), Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985).
Glacial and periglacial morphology (alpine environments).
Introduction to Plio-quaternary climatic changes and glaciations; basic background on ice formation; glaciers type and classification; erosional and depositional glacial landforms: italian subalpine glacial end moraines (morainic amphitheatres). Mountain permafrost processes and periglacial landforms; nivation processes and landforms. Analysis and interpretation of glacial landforms by means of photos 3D.
Glacial and periglacial morphology (high latitude environments). Inlandsis glacial landforms; varves and their significance; disintegration landforms; glacial isostasy. General conditions of the permafrost and principal peripolar landforms. Permafrost degradation: thermocarst, gelifluction, landsliding. Analysis and interpretation of periglacial landforms by means of photos 3D.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education SpA, Milano, 2010. Casati P. e Pace F. -"Scienze della Terra- L'atmosfera, l'acqua, i climi, i suoli", CittàStudi, Milano, 1991; Smiraglia C. -"Guida ai ghiacciai e alla glaciologia - forme, fluttuazioni, ambienti", Zanichelli Ed., Bologna, 1992; Washburn A.L. –“Geocryology: a survey of periglacial Processes and Environments”, Arnold Ed., London, 1979), Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985.
Coastal morphology: Basic background on marine currents, wind, tidewaves, energy ecc. Causes of the variations in sea level and coastal morphology. Longshore and offshore transport of sediments. Erosional and depositional coastal landforms and marine terraces. Morphologic coastal classification.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education SpA, Milano, 2010; Casati P. e Pace F. -"Scienze della Terra- L'atmosfera, l'acqua, i climi, i suoli", CittàStudi, Milano, 1991; Pranzini E. “La forma delle coste”, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2004; Summerfield M.A.-”Global geomorphology”, Longman, Essex, 1991.), Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985.
Karst geomorphology: Solubles rocks. Solution and precipitation processes. Short account on karst hydrology. Minor and major superficial karst landforms. Underground fetures and speleothemes. Climate and karst morphology. Analysis and interpretation of some karst landforms by means of photos 3D.
(Castiglioni G.B. -"Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education SpA, Milano, 2010, “Progetto Powerpoint 2009” della Società Speleologica Italiana -in rete).
Volcanic geomophology: Generality of the lava characters and volcan types. Basic and acid lava micro- and macroforms. Character of the piroclastic deposits. Erosional and depositional processes in the geomorphologic evolution of the volcan apparatus. Environmental modification connected to volcan activity (explosion, cinder cover, lava flow and lahars). Analysis and interpretation of volcanic landforms by means of photos 3D.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education SpA, Milano, 2010; Ollier C. -"Vulcani - attività, geografia, morfologia", Zanichelli Ed., Bologna, 1990; Giacomelli L. - Scandone R. “Vulcani e Eruzioni, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2002), Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985.
Eolian morphology: Climatic belts and wind processes and wind activity. Eolian deflation and depositional eolian landforms; dune types. Climatic significance of the loess. Analysis and interpretation of eolian landforms by means of photos 3D.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education SpA, Milano, 2010;
Geomorphologic problems of the hydrographic network: Introduction. Network organization and structural bedrock conditions. Channel hierachy. Fluvial avulsion and stream piracy. Fluvial superim-position and antecedence. Epigenetic valley. Relationship between volcanic, non-volcanic landforms and hydrographc network. Neotectonics and hydrographic evolution. Lakes genesis and their evolution.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Easterbrook D.J. -"Surface Processes and Landforms", McMillan Publ. Comp., New York, 1993, Marchetti M.- “Geomorfologia fluviale”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2000; Panizza M. -"Geomorfologia", Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 1992; Summerfield M.A.-”Global geomorphology”, Longman, Essex, 1991), Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985.
Landscape evolution. Slope genesis and landforms. Geographic cycle of Davis and landscape evolution; others landscape theories (Penk, King ecc.); Pediplanation processes and climate: formation of pediplains, pediments, ecthplains, ecc.
(Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991; Duff P.McL.D.- "Holmes' principles of physical geology", IV Ed., Chapman & Hall, Londra, 1993; Easterbrook D.J. -"Surface Processes and Landforms", McMillan Publ. Comp., New York, 1993; Summerfield M.A.-”Global geomorphology”, Longman, Essex, 1991), Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985.
Study methods and widespread problems of the research in geomorphology: relationship between hydrography and structural geology; fluvial terraces study; glacial moraines morphochronology; Analysis and interpretation of related landforms by means of photos 3D.
N. 3 day of Field activity: 1,5 cfu
Bartolini C. - "I fattori geologici delle forme del terreno", Pitagora, Bologna, 1992.
Bland W. & Rolls D. -”Weathering - a introduction to the scientific principles”, Arnold Ed., Londra, 1998.
Castiglioni G.B. - "Geomorfologia", UTET, Torino, 1991.
Ciccacci S. - Le forme del rilievo - Atlante illustrato di Geomorfologia. Mondadori Education, SpA, Milano, 2010.
Casati P. e Pace F. -"Scienze della Terra- L'atmosfera, l'acqua, i climi, i suoli", CittàStudi, Milano, 1991.
Duff P.McL.D.- "Holmes' principles of physical geology", IV Ed., Chapman & Hall, Londra, 1993.
Easterbrook D.J. -"Surface Processes and Landforms", McMillan Publ. Comp., New York, 1993.
Gerrard A.J. – “Rocks and Landforms”, Unwin Hyman, London, 1988, pp.319.
Giacomelli L.-Scandone R. “Vulcani e Eruzioni, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2002).
Marchetti M.- “Geomorfologia fluviale”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2000.
Ollier C. -"Vulcani -attività, geografia, morfologia", Zanichelli Ed., Bologna, 1990.
Panizza M. -"Geomorfologia", Pitagora Ed.,Bologna, 1992.
Pranzini E. – “La forma delle coste”, Zanichelli Ed., Bologna, 2004.
Selby M.J. – Earth’s Changing Surface, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985.
Smiraglia C. -"Guida ai ghiacciai e alla glaciologia - forme, fluttuazioni, ambienti", Zanichelli Ed., Bologna, 1992.
Schmincke H.U. - “Volcanism”, Springer-Verlag Ed., Berlino, 2004.
Summerfield M.A.-”Global geomorphology”, Longman, Essex, 1991.
Turner A.K. and Schuster R.L. (Eds.) – “LANDSLIDES: investigation and mitigation”, TRB special report 247, Nat. Acad.Press, Washington D.C., 1996.
Washburn A.L. -"Geocryology: a survey of periglacial processes and environments". E. Arnold Ed., London, 1979.