cod. 16008

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
525 hours
of face-to-face activities
21 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The teaching aims to definitively prepare the student to working reality, through further study and review of the conventional imaging, as well as the opportunity to practice on methods to Computed Tomography, Nuclear Medicine, MRI and Interventional Radiology. The student's preparation is completed with the frequency in the Radiotherapy departments, where the student will become familiar with the management of patients with cancer and tumors of the main treatment procedures.

The internship proposed route follows in the assessment of the skills acquired the criteria proposed by the Dublin Descriptors (1st, 2nd, 3rd).


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Course unit content

At the end, the student must:
- Know how to apply the research protocols in all areas of the Traditional Radiology, in standard or emergency situations, and know how to adapt via unconventional placements to get a proper result iconographic
- Know how to apply the diagnostic protocols in TC
- Knowing how to assess the technical quality of a CT examination
- Know how to apply the diagnostic protocols in RM
- Knowing how to assess the technical quality of an MRI
- Know the procedures of nuclear medicine, both the management of the Hot House is the use of diagnostic equipment
- Know the main PET investigation protocols
- Know how to apply the principles of Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine
- Knowing how to manage the patient, room and materials in Interventional Radiology
- Know how to apply the research protocols in Senology and Pediatrics
- Knowing how to assess the technical quality of an examination in Senology and Pediatrics
- Know how to apply the principles of radiation protection in radiotherapy
- Knowing how to read and execute a plan of care in Radiotherapy
- Knowing how to work with the team to the simulation procedures in Radiotherapy
- To know how to relate to the patient in different situations that may present itself during everyday work.
- Knowing how to manage the patient during all procedures, to the extent applicable.

The apprenticeship route is according to the expected results, the criteria data from the Dublin descriptors.

Full programme

- Further deepening of conventional diagnostic protocols
- Patient care during the computed tomography examinations
- Management of Computed Tomography room
- Application of diagnostic protocols in Computed Tomography
- Management of patients in nuclear medicine.
- Management of Nuclear Medicine Equipment
- Execution of Nuclear Medicine procedures with gamma camera
- Running procedures in the warm room
- Using the PET scanner
- Exercises on quality control.
- Management of patients during MRI examinations
- Management of the MRI room
- Application of diagnostic protocols in MRI
- Management of patients in Interventional Radiology
- Management of the hall and materials in Interventional Radiology
- Assistance in procedures of interventional radiology ..
- Management of patients in Radiotherapy.
- Management of equipment in radiotherapy.
- Execution of simulation procedures in Radiotherapy
- Implementation of plans for care in Radiotherapy.
- Preparation of shieldings and shaped supports.
- Collaboration with the quality controls in Radiotherapy

(Dublin descriptors 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).
The practical activity also refers to the Clinical Competence of the specific professional profile.


- Notes/slides
- Apprenticeship booklet, compiled by the student during the training period itself, as a practical manual
­- Textbook: “Anatomia radiologica” of Fleckenstein P, Tranum-Jensen J.
­- Jewett EL. One-piece angle nail for trochanteric fractures. J Bone J Surg, 1991;23:803-10
­- Smith-Petersen MN, Cave EF, Van-Gorder GW. Intracapsular fractures of the neck of the femur-treatment by internal fixation. Arch Surg 1931;23:715-59.
­- Laboratorio di Fisica Medica, Physics Department, UNICAL, Rende, Italy
­- Textbook: “ANATOMIA RADIOLOGICA, tecniche e metodologie in radiodiagnostica” of Ferdinando Mazzuccato
­- Textbook: “Atlante di tecnica radiologica generale e dello scheletro” of A. Trenta, A. Corinaldesi, P. Sassi, C. Pecunia
­- Textbook. “ Le proiezioni radiografiche dell’apparato muscoloscheletrico” of U. Albissini, M. Battaglia
­- “Ruolo del TSRM in un comparto operatorio ortopedico”, thesis of Dr. RT Giuseppe Forciniti, University of Parma
­- “La radiologia domiciliare”, thesis of Dr. RT Bruno Lorefice, University of Parma
­- Web site
­- Textbook: “Clinical Applications of Cardiac CT”. Editors: Cademartiri, Casolo, Midiri. Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-88-470-2521-9.
­- Textbook: “Manuale di RM per TSRM” of Vanzulli A, Torriccelli P.

Teaching methods

Periods of training at facilities including the following specialties: traditional radiology, operative sector, CT, interventional radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine.

Students will be supervised by a Clinical Tutor for each location of training.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination can be constituted by 2 practical tests:
­- a simulation test, in the X-ray room, the Traditional Radiology in which the student must demonstrate the ability to perform the survey protocols in standard situations and urgency
­- a simulation test of Computed Tomography in which will have to demonstrate knowledge of the guidelines for the main diagnostic protocols, knowing how to prepare and use a CT room, being able to recognize the various stages of examination and assess the accuracy of the images produced.
­- a simulative cumulative evidence of Interventional Radiology in which will have to demonstrate knowledge of the main investigative procedures and the materials used
­- a simulation test of Magnetic Resonance in which will have to demonstrate knowledge of the main diagnostic protocols, knowing how to prepare and use an MRI, to recognize sequences and evaluate the correctness of the images produced.
­- a trial of radiotherapy in which it will demonstrate the ability to read and execute a plan of care, managing a linear accelerator and properly position the patient.

and theoretical questions related to the application in the field.

The review shall take into account in the evaluation of acquired skills, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th descriptor Dublin.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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