cod. 15480

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
5 credits
course unit
in - - -

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The goal is to enable the student to know and to understand the business economics, the concepts of managerial skills in health care management; know the messages, codes, and other channels of communication, communication processes, the semantics of the communication, the relational aspects of health communication, relationship between communication and behavior in health care; the essential elements of legal and medical-legal related professional activities of medical radiology technician, in order to enable the student to use the knowledge and understanding acquired to evaluate their professional activities in regulatory-legal terms with specific reference to the repercussions in criminal reflections in criminal, civil and ethics matters, and to detect possible criticalities, with ability to face and correct them.


Nothing to report

Course unit content

The cycle of lessons explains the basics in relation to:
- Procedures for accreditation and financing of the Healthcare ; - health management in according to criteria inspired by efficiency and effectiveness;
- Channels, messages and other means of communication codes
- Communication processes
- Semantics of communication
- Relational aspects of health communication.
-Medical-legal aspects of the profession of medical radiology technician.
-Notions of criminal law, the main crime-related health activities, discussing not only the general principles but also the doctrinal and jurisdictional examples.

Full programme

Business Economics
General concepts of health economics
Health needs, supply and demand, procedures for accreditation and financing of the Health Care - health management according to criteria inspired by efficiency and effectiveness.
Communication laboratory
• Messages, codes, channels;
• Structure of communication processes;
• The language functions;
• The semantics of the communication signals, signs, icons;
• The structure of meaning;
• The relational aspects in the process of humanization of care;
• The attention to the therapeutic relationship;
• Interpersonal relationships;
• The relationship between health professionals and patients;
• The dialogue in the context of care;
• The healthcare and communication;
• Empathy and its components;
• Fundamental attitudes for active listening;
• Interaction and development of the intentionality of the dialogue;
• Touch and its importance in the relationship and therapeutic care;
• Communication with the hospitalized child;
• Aspects of communication between the operator and the patient's family.


See the bibliography indicated in individual disciplinary modules;
any material supplied by the teachers

Teaching methods

Lectures and laboratory

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of an oral exam. Through questions about the contents of the course will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the contents of the different disciplines.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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