cod. 1006276

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Estetica (M-FIL/04)
Discipline metodologiche
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge and Understanding

At the course’s end the student shall be in a position to understand the different meanings which the figure's concept assumes in the works taken into examination the relationship between such semantic stratification and the historical-philosophical and theoretical-critical context.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding
The student, at the course end shall be able to correctly apply the cognitive contents learnt at the texts which haven’t been read or analysed by the teacher, and to be able to enunciate clear and logically coherent explanations.

Making judgements
By means of the lessons and seminars in-depth study frequent participation (in which different perspectives will be compared and of which will be suggested optional readings) and by means of the personal study, the student will be urged to interiorize the matters, to develop a critical reading and an independent judgement concerning the categories and the aesthetic theories covered during the lesson.

Communication Skills
During the active participation in the lessons the student shall be able to communicate in a coherent manner elucidation and in-depth analysis questions, comments. The written report drawing up, following description and discussion together with the teacher, will involve and consolidate the student’s communication abilities.

Learning Skills
The final examination will consist on the analysis of the critical literature mentioned in the base bibliography and on a written paperwork discussion regarding a research subject detected during the course progress. The student shall prove methodological capabilities in the research scientifically setting, indicating the investigation procedures; besides he shall demonstrate learning capability, correctly using the course’s contents.


È richiesta una conoscenza di base del lessico specifico, delle principali categorie e della metodologia caratterizzanti la disciplina.

Course unit content

Course Title: Phenomenology of figure. Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Paul Valery
The concept of “figure” is central in philosophy and arts, as well as in artistic poetics and also in the study of artistic praxis. The concept of figure is frequently used in different areas of study and reveals a rich semantic spectrum: it is possible to speak in terms of “rhetoric figures” as well as of “figure of dance”, or we can also find a specific use of the term within the so called “figurative arts”. A clear example of the intimate relationship between theory and artistic practice is provided by Merleau-Ponty, especially in his attentive reading of Paul Valery’s work. Within the phenomenological aesthetics delineated by Merleau-Ponty, the concept of figure acquires a fundamental meaning: figures represents the junction between sensible experience and artistic expression.

Full programme

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E. Franzini, L’estetica del Settecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, ultima edizione.
M. Mazzocut-Mis, M. Bertolini, R. Messori, C. Rozzoni, P. Vincenzi (a cura di) Entrare nell’opera: i Salons di Diderot. Selezione antologica e analisi critica, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2012.
D. Diderot, Arte, bello e interpretazione della natura, a cura di E. Franzini, Milano, Mimesis, 2013.

Teaching methods

Besides the main traditional lessons, seminars will be held regarding subjects which study in depth the knowledge by teachers from the same discipline or from other sectors, in order to foster a comparison between different perspectives. During the lesson, some slides will be projected with images, bibliographical references from suggested texts, a diagrams synthesising some essential points in the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination includes a written and an oral section. The thesis,
whose subject shall be agreed upon with the teacher, will be discussed
during the oral examination’s first session. There will be a lesson held at
the course’s end devoted to the thesis. The oral thesis will be regarding
the base bibliography and the subjects covered during the lessons.

Other information

Attendance is highly recommended. During the lessons and in particular during the seminars, the students will be urged to actively participate.
Projected slides will be available for students along with lesson notes.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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