Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the students with theoretical knowledge about the main discipline regarding environmental and energy safeguard, with special attention to renewable energies. Moreover students will understand the practical implications of these matters and the interation with other subjects of the degree Course.
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Course unit content
The developement of the environmental interest in the legal system
The distribution of administrative and legislative functions. The environmetal risk assessment.
THE ENVIRONMENT BETWEEN STATE AND MARKET. The sustainable developement principle. environmental protection market tools. The certificate of environmental quality. Environmetal tort liability.
ENVIRONMENT AND TERRITORY: territorial administrative plans and environment. The environment and the city plans.
THE ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND ENERGY SOURCES. THE GARBAGE. Water and environment. Energy and environment. The garbage: from disposal to prevention.
INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION. Soil protection and water safeguard. Atmospheric pollution and climate. Electromagnetic pollution. Acoustic pollution. Renewable energies sources. Nuclear energy.
Full programme
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For what concerns environmental law: G. Rossi, Diritto dell'ambiente, Torino, Giappichelli, 2012
For what concerns energy law: M. Cocconi, Poteri pubblici e mercato dell'energia. Fonti rinnovabili e sostenibilità ambientale, Francoangeli, 2014
Teaching methods
The lessons will be mainly frontal. Several practical cases will be presented troughout the course, in order to facilitate the learning process.
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning will be constantly monitored trough intermediate exams and interactive lessons.
Other information
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