cod. 05965

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Ingegneria civile
Type of training activity
84 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to communicate
The goal is to consolidate the acquisitions fundamental to correct and complete description of constructed object and its components, in order to its comprehensive and detailed representation.

Through verification of the correct use of computerized design tools, you will also verified the ability to apply knowledge acquired by means of advanced computerized design, which will be explained and used throughout the course.

Making judgments
At the exam the student must have developed the ability to critically evaluate what tools and techniques are the most appropriate representation in the design of survey and design of specific features of architecture and civil engineering.

Communication skills
Through the overview given on the most popular software for parametric design, three-dimensional modeling and graphics editing, students will develop, by choosing a specific design program, the ability to describe and communicate at different scales over the place, the architectural space and their components, through the application of knowledge representation techniques relating to new advanced digital instrumentation design.

Learning skills
The exercises assigned on survey and project, expressed in required final work, aim to consolidate the student in correct use of representation methods and use of the most advanced computerized design, the student should have acquired knowledge and skills of discipline to deal with, hereafter, deepening and standalone application of these aspects.


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Course unit content

In detail, the lessons are organized on the following topics:
Form geometry structure: the method - iconic and symbolic language - reading of the scale of the form: the tools and procedures - reading the scale of the shape of the city and the countryside: the tools and
The major urban issues to the urban scale survey, for the definition and understanding of the city - the historical and iconographic research – the reading of basic cartography and the development of analytical themes - the importance of quickly survey of the urban curtain and their representation.
The survey of the architecture: definitions – important issues in architectural scale - methods and tools for direct survey - sketches of plans, elevations, sections, details - methods of measurement – manual and computer graphics representation: methods and issues – geometric and thematic representation.
The project drawing: the types of drawing: the design of the project, describing the project, the multimedia communication and presentation of the project - the project phases: preliminary, final, executive.
The digital representation of the project: overview of the most popular parametric software: Allplan, ArchiCAD, Revit, 3D Studio Max.

Full programme

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About architectural survey:
M. Docci, D. Maestri, “Il rilevamento architettonico. Storia, metodi e disegno”, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 1983
About urban survey:
C. Vernizzi, “Parma e la Via Emilia. Città storica, città moderna e asse fondativo: rilievo e rappresentazione”, Mattioli1885, Fidenza, 2004
A. Rolando, “Forma, geometria, struttura per il disegno dell’architettura, della città e del paesaggio”, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2008
D. Coppo, C. Boido (a cura di), “Rilievo urbano. Conoscenza e rappresentazione delle città consolidata”, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2010
About planning design:
L. Quaroni, “Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di architettura”, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2001
M. Canciani, “I disegni di progetto. Costruzioni, tipi e analisi”, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2009
C. Vernizzi: “Il Disegno in Pier Luigi Nervi. Dal dettaglio della materia alla percezione dello spazio”, Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2011.

Teaching methods

The program is conducted by identifying the right mode of reading and representation of the urban environment, its paths and environments and through the representation of its components, meaning the drawing as a means of documentation and study for the representation of the architectural and urban context.
In every lessons it is analyzed the role of representation for the management of survey and project, from conceptual design to the realization, brought on some architectural applications agreed upon with the teacher.
For this, after having addressed the theoretical and methodological aspects of this discipline, the direct survey of a building will be made and the subsequent representation to computer graphics in 1:50 scale.
Lessons will continue through the analysis of instruments and procedures of the project drawing: from sketch to the digital model, addressing the various stages of construction project (design, planning, and construction of architectural) and its techniques of representation and synthetic graphics and modeling, going the entire process through the application of the key concepts agreed on a building.
Through the presentation of the most popular programs used to design and parametric three-dimensional modeling, there will be a discussion about the digital technologies for information processing purposes of representative additions, making drawings that develop significant project through the choice of one of the software presented.
At the end of the lessons, as feedback of topics covered a series of drawings will be requie, that provide for the application of concepts learned in relation to the principles of representation of the survey of a building previously agreed with the teacher (this first exercisecould be performer also in small groups of 2 - 3 persons) and a building project on the theme identified in the current year, as directed by the teacher (this second exercise is to be carried out individually instead).
The building elements represented, relative to both exercises, will consist in graphic tables A1-size (84 x 59.4 cm).
The representation technique to be used for the construction of these final drawings (to be submitted to revision by the mandatory teaching), is necessarily that of computerized design, expressed through the use of a parametric software chosen by the student .
Seminars related to specific aspects of the city's history, architecture, the survey, the project design and archival research will be conducted by external specialists to make more articulate your learning.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination is held in oral form, through the presentation and discussion of graphic representation of a survey and of a project drawn up on an agreed building and through a discussion about the hearing issues discussed during the lessons and seminars.

Prepare projects 80% divided as follows
Explanation of theoretical aspects (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Autonomous choice of representation mode

Oral examination 20% divided as follows
Theoretical questions (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Properties of exposure (communication skills)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Lara Buffetti
T. +39 0521 905954
E. servizio
E. della manager



President of the degree course

Prof. Francesco Freddi

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Nazarena Bruno

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Andrea Segalini

Tutor professor

Prof. Andrea Maranzoni

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Patrizia Bernardi
Prof.ssa Elena Romeo

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Elena Romeo


Prof. Roberto Cerioni

Tutor students

Rosalba Simeone 