Learning objectives
The course aims to provide methodological tools and theoretical foundations of comparative law through, first, the understanding and analysis of topics such as the notion, the manner and purpose of public/constitutional comparative law. Particularly the course will analyze different models and protection techniques of fundamental rights in comparative law, also through the study of the jurisprudence, and in an European constitutional perspective (European Courts of Justice and European Courts of human rights).
With reference to the knowledge and understanding, the course aims to provide students with knowledge about the relation between theory and research in the juridical comparative law and with ability to develop new topic in the comparative law through studying jurisprudence and legal models.
In relation to the applying knowledge and understanding, the course will enable students to understand the different legal phenomena and to analyze specific cases, in order to verify the possible application of the learned theoretical assumptions in relation to new questions and challenges (such as the protection of fundamental rights).
With regard to making judgements, the course aims to develop in students the ability to integrate the gained knowledge through the comparative legal analysis, in order to assess individually the applications and the legal implications of cases or judgments.
With regard communication skills, the goal of the course is to develop the ability to communicate appropriate and comprehensively, using an appropriate language (technical legal terms), paying special attention to the development an interpretative processes structured on the theoretical principles of public / constitutional comparative law.
Finally, with regard to learning skills, the course will be organized in order to allow students to acquire the theoretical and methodological tools of comparative law in order to be able to proceed on their own to the analysis of case studies and research.