cod. 1005062

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: CLINICAL MEDICINE

Learning objectives

Acquisition of knowledge and understanding of nursing processes organization with a scientific method, taking into account the hystorical evolution of proposed models.
Acquisition of competence in planning and organizing nursing care, based on health problems: identification of patient's priority problems and NOC; definition of short, medium and long term objectives, realistic for the patient and for the problems, measurable and defined in timing; programming od autonomous and collaborative care processes that are necessary; definition of evaluation and monitoring.
The course has also the objective to provide the students with basic judging on patient condition, with tools for a correct communication, and with the basis for further studies.


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Course unit content

Nursing process organization and programming of the care in specific clinical cases, trough a scientific approach.
Organizzazione dei processi assistenziali e pianificazione dell'approccio a casi clinici, attraverso un metodo scientifico che si identifica nel processo di Nursing.
 Priority heath needs and problems.
 Nursing process: definition, history, characteristics and types.
 From nursing knowledge to nursing competence: Dreyfus, Spencer e Spencer 1993, Levati e Saraò 1998 models.
 Nursing process and documentation.
 Diagnostic reasoning and nursing diagnosis: NANDA taxonomy; NANDA links, Nursing Outcome Classification e Nursing Intervention Classification; bifocal model of clinical activity by L. J. Carpenito.

Full programme

Nursing processes organization:
Priority health needs and problems
The nursing process: definition, history, types
From nursing knowledge to nursing competence: Dreyfus, Spencer e Spencer 1993, Levati e Saraò 1998 models
Nursing process and documentation
Diagnostic reasoning and nursing diagnosis: NANDA taxonomy; NANDA links; Nursing Outcome Classification e Nursing Intervention Classification; bifocal model of clinical activity by L. J. Carpenito.
Students will:

Pianificazione di casi clinico-assistenziali per i quali gli studenti devono:
Descrivere la patologia: cenni di anatomia e fisiologia, definizione, eziologia, fattori predisponenti, segni e sintomi, complicanze, principali indagini diagnostiche e trattamento
Individuare i problemi prioritari del paziente. Individuare i NOC. Definire gli obiettivi a breve, medio e lungo termine in modo realistico per il paziente, congrui con il problema, misurabili e temporizzati.
Descrivere gli interventi di valutazione e monitoraggio e gli interventi assistenziali autonomi e collaborativi necessari per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati.


Sasso L., Gamberoni L., Marmo G., Rocco G., Tibaldi L. “Infermieristica generale e clinica per problemi prioritari di salute”, Casa Editrice McGraw-Hill, Miano 2003

Casati G., “Il percorso assistenziale del paziente”, McGraw-Hill, Milano 2002

Vanhaecht K, Bollmann m , Bower K, Gallagher C, Gardini A, Guenzo J, Jansen U, Massoud R, Moody K, Sermeus W, Van Zelm R, Whittle C, Yazbeck AM, Zander K, Panella M, Prevalence and Use of Clinical Pathways in 23 Countries – An International Survey by the European Pathway association, Journal of Integrated Care Pathways 2006; 10:28-34

Judith M. Wilkinson, “Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2003.

Teaching methods

Lessons with slides and videos and discussion with students. Problem Based Learning.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam on the whole program in one single session with other sections of clinical medicine integrated course. The knowledge and understanding of the subjects included in the program, reasoning capacity on the nursing process, the acquisition of a correct terminology and the possible personal elaboration will be evaluated. Final score results from academic board consultation, based on the grading obtained in each course section.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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