Course unit partition: Parma Azienda USL

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: Parma Azienda USL
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to enable the student to know and to understand the essential elements of the history of nursing theories, bioethics, professional and ethics in order to allow the student the ability to use knowledge and understanding acquired in identifying the problems of the person linked to the status of the patient and to begin to address issues related with the preparation of an appropriate care plan.
The student at the end of the course will demonstrate knowledge and understanding about:
• The history of the nursing profession in Italy,
• the theories of nursing that are the basis of modern profession,
• legislation that regulates the profile
• ethics,
• the main tools available to today's nurse
The student also applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, shall be able, even collaborating with other professionals, to
- Begin to identify the problems of the person linked to the status of patient
- Identify the principles that underlie the preparation of a care plan


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Course unit content

The course includes lectures that provide information about the progress of the nursing profession in Italy, the theories of nursing that are the basis of modern profession, the legislation that governs the profile and ethics the main tools available today.

Full programme

-'nursing as a scientific discipline.
- Definition of Discipline. What characterizes a discipline.
- Difference between conceptual structure and syntactic structure. conceptual framework
- Definition of theory, phenomenon, the concept of metaparadigma of (or nursing) and the concepts that constitute it: person, environment, health, nursing.
- Relationship between the conceptual structure and the syntactic structure ..

Syntactic structure: the problem solving as the conceptual basis of the nursing process.
The process of nursing (or nursing process) definition, phases and sub-phases:
- Assessment: objective data and subjective criteria of data collection (cards assessement)
- Planning: the formulation of nursing diagnoses, identifying problems, building goals, identification and intervention planning for troubleshooting
- Implementation and evaluation of the process.

Nursing record and analysis of clinical cases.
- The nursing record as an operational tool and as an educational tool: differences.
- The analysis of a clinical case.
- Presentation of the nursing record for instructional use.

Conceptual structure: analysis of some nursing theories:
- Nightingale, Peplau, henderson, orem, Leininger, watson,. Rogers, banners, roper and Carpenito.
- Deepening of the theory of activity 'life n.roper.

The cataloging of nursing diagnoses:
- The American classification system nanda
- L.j: Carpenito (bifocal)
- The classification of the objectives / results (noc)
- The classification of priorities (nic)

History and Philosophy of Care
Basic concepts of the nursing profession
Development of the nursing profession in different historical periods.
History and philosophy of nursing from antiquity to the present day in Italy, Europe, USA

Statement of Nurses Training
- R.D. 21 November 1929 n ° 2330
- May 24, 1965 Presidential Decree n ° 775
- Law No. 124 February 25, 1971
- Law n ° 795 November 15, 1973 Ratification of the agreement Strasbourg October 25 1967
- Law 19/11/1990, n. 341 ("Reform of university teaching")
- DL December 30, 1992 # 502 Reorganisation of healthcare regulations
- Establishment of DU in Nursing
- Decree of 3 November 1999, n. 509
- DM 270 October 22, 2004

Statement of Professional Nurses
- Presidential Decree No. 14 March 1974 225 (job description)
- Ministerial Decree September 14 N. 739/94 (professional profile)
- Law of 26 February 1999, n. 42 Abolition job description
- The code of ethics


For further details about the lessons are recommended the following texts:
• “Quaderno del Nursing di base” di Agnelli, Canossa et alii. Ed. Nettuno.
• “Elementi di nursing” di Roper, Logan e Tierney. Ed. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore.
• “L’assistenza infermieristica: storia, teorie e metodi” di C.Calamandrei, Ed. NIS
• “Piani di Assistenza Infermieristica e documentazione” di L.J.Carpenito Ed. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
• “Diagnosi infermieristiche, applicazione nella pratica clinica” L.J. Carpenito, Ed. Ambrosiana
• “Modelli e Teorie infermieristiche” di Ruby L. Wesley, Edizioni Summa Padova
• “Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico” di Judith M.Wilkinson, Ed. Ambrosiana 2009
• “Atti del 1° Congresso Nazionale di storia dell'assistenza infermieristica in Italia. Federazione Nazionale Collegi IPASVi. Reggio Emilia 11 giugno 1993. a cura E Bertoletti”
• “Donàhue M. P. "Nursing Storia illustrata dell'assistenza infermieristica". Ed. Delfino, Roma 1991.
• “Fiumi A. "lnfermieri e ospedale. Storia della Professione infermieristica '800 e '900" Verona: Nettuno, 1993”
• “ Manzoni E. “Storia e filosofia della assistenza infermieristica” Masson, 1996
• “C. Sironi “Storia dell’assistenza infermieristica” NIS, 1992

Teaching methods

lectures using audiovisual tools and classroom discussion

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of an oral examination. Through questions about the contents of the course will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content. Through questions regarding prevention strategies and preparation of a care plan will be determined whether the student has achieved the aim of applying the acquired knowledge

Other information

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