cod. 1006029

Academic year 2017/18
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia (MED/36)
Scienze e tecniche di radiologia medica per immagini e radioterapia
Type of training activity
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: IMAGE DIAGNOSTICS III

Learning objectives

Know the technique of acquisition, rebuilding and post-processing of thoracic imaging through TC and RM, specifically referring to the optimization of imaging protocol in relation to the clinical question.
Know the main clinical indications for abdominal resonance examinations, especially liver cancer, RM cholera, and RM.
Know and understand the sequences used in abdominal RM protocols and learn how to recognize them.
Know the basics of the RM upper anatomy.
Learn and understand the basics of the semeiotic MR in abdominal disease and learn to identify and recognize the most frequent changes in hepatocellular-pancreatic and excretory apparatus.
Protocols for performing musculoskeletal RM examinations, and senology, in relation to the clinical question.
Implementation protocols RM Neuroradiology Examinations (RM encephalus, pituitary, massive facial, CUI, Angio RM, RM - TSA, RM rachis).
Protocols for fetal MR examinations.
Radiation treatment techniques for oncological pathology.


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Course unit content

Protocolli di acquisizione di imaging toracico avanzato TC ed approccio sperimentale e clinico alla RM del torace.
RM addome: indicazione, protocollo RM, anatomia, semeiotica elementare per le seguenti tipologie di esame: RM epatica, Colangio RM, RM del Pancreas e dei Reni, Uro-RM.
RM in Neuroradiologia: indicazione, protocollo RM, anatomia, semeiotica elementare per le seguenti tipologie di esame: RM encefalo , ipofisi, massiccio facciale, CUI , Angio RM , RM - TSA , RM rachide.
RM fetale: indicazione, protocollo RM, anatomia, semeiotica elementare.
Tecniche di trattamento radiante di neoplasie polmonari, neoplasie del testa collo, neoplasie mammarie, neoplasie del colon-retto, neoplasie prostatiche, malattie linfoemopoietiche, neoplasie cerebrali, neoplasie pediatriche. Le tecniche ad alta complessità e loro applicazione clinica.

Full programme

Computerized Tomography Fundamentals (CT) in relation to specialized thoracic diagnostics, with particular attention to the hardware features and radiant dose optimization techniques in relation to the clinical question. Integration of clinical pneumological and oncological foundations for the acquisition, reconstruction and post-processing of advanced thoracic imaging in a specialist field. Useful for thoracic CT scans in the expiratory phase. Indication of low and low dose CT protocols, acquisition technique and reconstruction options.

Magnetic Resonance Fundamentals (RM). Clinical integration into the RM examination, in particular the fundamentals of clinical medicine for a reasonably-priced MR protocol in relation to pathology, clinical questions and cost / benefit ratios. Provide basic medical content and develop the previously acquired technical knowledge and practices to optimize the execution of RM examinations in the breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal and thoracic environments.
Hepatic CV: Examination, RM protocol, hepatic biliary contractions, DWI sequences, liver anatomy, semeiotic elemental liver focal lesions, clinical case discussion.
Colangio RM: Examination (jaundice), RM protocol, use of MDC for gallbladder study, discussion of clinical cases of the most common biliary pathologies.
Pancreas Study: Examination, RM protocol, discussion of clinical cases of major cystic and solid pancreatic lesions.
Study of the kidneys and bladder: indication to examination, protocol RM, discussion of clinical cases.
Uro RM: indication to the examination (hydronephrosis), Patient preparation and RM protocol (static and dynamic technique), discussion of clinical cases.

Correlation criteria and geometric parameters RM encephalopathy, hypophysis, massive facial, CUI, Angio RM, RM - TSA, Rm rachis, informed consent, use of MDC in neuroprotective RM examinations, safety protocols in RM environments.

Radiation treatment techniques for lung cancer, neck head neoplasms, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, lymphoemopoietic diseases, cerebral neoplasms, pediatric neoplasms. Highly complex techniques and their clinical application.


Materials provided by teachers and reference books in Italian and English, scientific articles.
Guidelines of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM).

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination.
Practice of magnetic resonance imaging.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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800 904 084

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