Learning objectives
The course aims to providing the student with the ability to deal with
cultural / religious difference and manage the related profiles of legal
At the end of the course, the student will demonstrate knowledge and the
ability about:
a) recognizing and dealing with the cultural and religious differences from
both epistemological and conceptual points of view;
b) articulating the basic knowledge of the intercultural methodology and
to translate the folk legal education of the persons into legal schemes;
c) applying the acquired knowledge and skill to concrete cases,
differentiated according to the cultures and religions of the legal
subjects, in a creative way and by a sufficient mastery of argumentative
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Course unit content
The course consists of an exposition of the basic principles governing the
treatment of cultural and religious difference into Italian Law. It explains
the guidelines for developing policies and strategies of legal integration
between persons of different religious and cultural traditions.
Full programme
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M. RICCA, Culture interdette. Modernità, migrazioni, diritto interculturale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2013, pp. 1-310
or, in alternative,
M. RICCA, Oltre Babele. Codici per una democrazia interculturale, Dedalo,
Bari, 2008, pp. 1-351.
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lessons supplemented by sessions
dedicated to the dialectic discussions on practical cases.
Assessment methods and criteria
1. The knowledge and understanding ability of the students will be tested
by at least two questions about the methodology of the intercultural law
and its epistemological foundations.
2. The ability to project their knowledge into practice and to
independently assess the situations will be tested by inviting the student
to engage in the qualification of legally relevant situations making use of
methodologies for intercultural translation.
The ability to communicate will be judged according to the performance
of the activities described above and its quality.
3. Learning skills will be assessed on the basis of the attitude shown by
the student to use in a dynamic and creative the concepts learned during
the course and through the study of the texts.
Other information
When it will be possible, practitioners and scholars of interfaith and
intercultural issues will be invited to participate in the course.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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