cod. 1005648

Academic year 2014/15
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Statistica economica (SECS-S/03)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: MULTIVARIATE DATE ANALYSIS

Learning objectives

The main goal of the course is to supply some fundamental topics of multivariate analysis. Goal of the course is also to teach to the student to use multivariate analysis in the solution of applied problems which have a particular relevance in the firm.


Knowledge of the basics of Statistics.

Course unit content

1. Means.
2. Variability indexes.
3. Centroids.
4. Outliers.
5. Variance Covariance Matrix.
6. Variable transformations.
7. Multivariate distances.
8. Discriminant Models.
9. Principal Components.
10. Multivariate regression.

Full programme

1. Means and their properties.
2. Variability indexes.
3. Centroids at two and more dimensions.
4. Outliers.
5. Variance Covariance Matrix and their properties.
6. Main random variables.
7. Variable transformations.
8. Multivariate distances.
8.1 Minkowski Metric.
8.2 Mahalanobis Metric.
9. Discriminant Models.
9.1 Fisher Discriminant Analysis.
9.2 Likelihood Discriminant Analysis.
10. Principal Components.
11. Regression.
11.1 Bivariate Classical Model.
11.2 Multivariate Classical Model.
12 Statistical Graphics.


Cerioli A. Zani S. Analisi dei dati e data mining per le decisioni aziendali. Giuffrè editore. Milano. 2007

Teaching methods

Classes with applications in Excell.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and Oral Exams.

Other information

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