cod. 13103

Academic year 2014/15
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie (CHIM/07)
Fisica e chimica
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will have integrated his knowledge about natural phenomena governing the transformation of matter, will have a complete overview of the laws governing the structure of atoms, molecules and compounds; know the theoretical reasons that are at the basis of the energy balance during the transformations of matter, will know how to obtain electrical work by processes of redox transformations.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will have developed the ability to understand some physical and chemical characteristics of the substances, such as state of aggregation and volatility, hardness and fragility based on the knowledge of their structure. He will know how to quantify spontaneity of chemical and electrochemical processes and quantify the mass and energy balance during these transformations.
Making judgments:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to evaluate, with critical mind, the experimental measurements of chemical reactions
Communication skills:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to clearly present the experimental results of chemical reactions.


A solid background in physics and mathematics is recommended.

Course unit content

The atomic structure of matter
Historical development of atomic theory. Subatomic particles. Principles of stoichiometry
Electronic structure of atoms
Early atomic models: the Bohr atom; wave mechanical models. Multielectronic atoms and the Aufbau principle. Electron configurations of the elements in the periodic table. Periodic properties of the elements.
Chemical bonds
Ionic bond, covalent bond, electronic delocalization and resonance. Polar covalent bond. Electronegativity. Molecular geometry and polarity. Metal bond (band theory from MO model). Conductors, insulators and semiconductors. Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Oxidation numbers, classification and nomenclature of inorganic compounds. Types of chemical equations.
Thermochemistry and thermodynamics
The First Law. Enthalpy. Heat of formation, thermochemical equations, Hess’s Iaw and enthalpy diagrams.
The Second Law: entropy. Gibbs free energy
The gaseous state
Introduction. Equation of state of an ideal gas. Real gases. Van der Waals equation. Kinetic theory. Partial pressure and partial volume. Gas Iiquefaction, critical temperature.
The Iiquid state
Introduction. Evaporation. Vapour tension and its dependence from the temperature. Relative humidity. Boiling. Sublimation. Fusion and solidification. H2O and CO2 phase diagrams.
The solid state
Crystalline and amorfous solids. Crystal lattice and lattice planes. Primitive and non-primitive cells. Covalent, ionic, molecular and metallic crystals. Polymorphism.
Nature of solutions. Concentration of solutions. Raoult’s Iaw. Colligative properties of solutions.
The van’t Hoff coefficient.
Chemical equilibrium
Chemical equilibrium: the Iaw of mass action. The equilibrium constants Kp and Kc. Omogeneous and eterogeneous equilibrium. The Le Chatelier—Braun principle.
Equilibria in solution
Acids and bases: Arrhenius’ theory, the Brønsted-Lowry theory. Water autoionization. The ionic product of water. The pH scale
Electrolytic cells. Electrolysis and its applications. Stoichiometry of electrolysis. Galvanic cells. Stoichiometry of galvanic processes. Electrode potentials and electromotive force in standard conditions. Nernst equation. Applications. Corrosion.

Full programme

The atomic structure of matter
Historical development of atomic theory. Subatomic particles. Principles of stoichiometry
Electronic structure of atoms
Early atomic models: the Bohr atom; wave mechanical models. Multielectronic atoms and the Aufbau principle. Electron configurations of the elements in the periodic table. Periodic properties of the elements.
Chemical bonds
Ionic bond, covalent bond, electronic delocalization and resonance. Polar covalent bond. Electronegativity. Molecular geometry and polarity. Metal bond (band theory from MO model). Conductors, insulators and semiconductors. Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Oxidation numbers, classification and nomenclature of inorganic compounds. Types of chemical equations.
Thermochemistry and thermodynamics
The First Law. Enthalpy. Heat of formation, thermochemical equations, Hess’s Iaw and enthalpy diagrams.
The Second Law: entropy. Gibbs free energy
The gaseous state
Introduction. Equation of state of an ideal gas. Real gases. Van der Waals equation. Kinetic theory. Partial pressure and partial volume. Gas Iiquefaction, critical temperature.
The Iiquid state
Introduction. Evaporation. Vapour tension and its dependence from the temperature. Relative humidity. Boiling. Sublimation. Fusion and solidification. H2O and CO2 phase diagrams.
The solid state
Crystalline and amorfous solids. Crystal lattice and lattice planes. Primitive and non-primitive cells. Covalent, ionic, molecular and metallic crystals. Polymorphism.
Nature of solutions. Concentration of solutions. Raoult’s Iaw. Colligative properties of solutions.
The van’t Hoff coefficient.
Chemical equilibrium
Chemical equilibrium: the Iaw of mass action. The equilibrium constants Kp and Kc. Omogeneous and eterogeneous equilibrium. The Le Chatelier—Braun principle.
Equilibria in solution
Acids and bases: Arrhenius’ theory, the Brønsted-Lowry theory. Water autoionization. The ionic product of water. The pH scale
Electrolytic cells. Electrolysis and its applications. Stoichiometry of electrolysis. Galvanic cells. Stoichiometry of galvanic processes. Electrode potentials and electromotive force in standard conditions. Nernst equation. Applications. Corrosion.


Recommended textbooks:

Lezioni di Chimica per Ingegneria
F. Ugozzoli - Libreria Medico Scientifica, Parma

Come risolvere i problemi di chimica
F. Ugozzoli – CEA, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Teaching methods

Lectures using slides. Optional tutorials with the help of High School teachers.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination is based on a written test and on an oral exam.

Other information

Attendance is strongly recommended

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