Learning objectives
The objective of the course is the basic knowledge and understanding of the fundamental laws of classical mechanics. Students will also learn how to solve simple problems.
The course is calculus based.
The course of Mathematical Analysis should be previously attended.
Course unit content
Introduction, physical quantities, their measure, errors; vector quantities.
Kinematics and dynamics, mass, force, laws of motion.
Mechanics of point particles, equations of motion, linear momentum, collisions.
Work and energy, kinetic and potential energy, conservation of mechanical energy.
Outline of rigid-body mechanics, kinematics, moment of inertia, angular momentum, torque, statics and dynamics, rolling and rotations, conservation of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum.
Newton's law of gravity, gravitational and inertial mass, potential energy.
Mechanical waves: wave motion, superposition and interference, waves on strings, linear wave equation, sound waves, standing waves.
Suggested textbooks
Halliday-Resnick-Walker - Fondamenti di Fisica - CEA Sesta Edizione(vol. primo - Meccanica - Termologia)
Halliday-Resnick-Krane - Fisica 1 - CEA Quinta edizione
Gettys - Fisica 1 - McGraw Hill Quinta Edizione
Focardi-Massa-Uguzzoni - Fisica Generale - CEA Vol. Meccanica/Termodinamica e fluidi
Mazzoldi-Nigro-Voci - Elementi di Fisica Meccanica Termodinamica - Edises Seconda Edizione
Mazzoldi-Nigro-Voci - Fisica Vol.1 - Edises
Teaching methods
Lectures are highly recommended. Many examples will be discussed during the course. Exercise sessions will be held during the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
Only one examination for unit 1 and 2. An intermediate and a final written test. An oral exam is compulsory only for test results below a certain threshold (details on the specific course web page)