cod. 1005072

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: CLINICAL MEDICINE

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to allow the student to acquire knowledge and understanding, based on previously acquired bases of anatomy, biology, physiology, pathophysiology and psychology, on:
 Pathophysiology of priority health problems: diabetes mellitus, stroke, heart failure
 Nursing processes organization, focusing on the relevance of care plans available to the patient
 Nursing competence and diagnostic reasoning
The course has also the objective to provide the students with basic judging on patient condition, with tools for a correct communication, and with the basis for further studies.


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Course unit content

Nursing planning in specific clinical cases (diabetes mellitus, stroke, heart failure). Application of the knowledge of diseases; priority problems and outcome identification; objectives definition and monitoring planning.

Full programme

Nursing process organization; students will:
1) Describe patient's pathology: basic notions on anatomy and physiology; disease definition, etiology, risk factors, signs and symptoms, complications, main diagnostic tools, treatment.
2) Identify patient's priority problems.
3) Identify outcome within the Nursing Outcomes Classification
4) Define short, medium and long term objectives that have to be ralistic, taking into account the single patient and his/her problems, measurable and defined in timing.
5) Describe evaluation and monitoring, autonomous and collaborative care interventions, necessary to reach objectives.
Specific cases will be studied: diabetes mellitus, stroke, heart failure.


• Sasso L., Gamberoni L., Marmo G., Rocco G., Tibaldi L. “Infermieristica generale e clinica per problemi prioritari di salute”, Casa Editrice McGraw-Hill, Miano 2003

• Casati G., “Il percorso assistenziale del paziente”, McGraw-Hill, Milano 2002

• Vanhaecht K, Bollmann m , Bower K, Gallagher C, Gardini A, Guenzo J, Jansen U, Massoud R, Moody K, Sermeus W, Van Zelm R, Whittle C, Yazbeck AM, Zander K, Panella M, Prevalence and Use of Clinical Pathways in 23 Countries – An International Survey by the European Pathway association, Journal of Integrated Care Pathways 2006; 10:28-34

• Judith M. Wilkinson, “Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2003.
• Lynda Juall Carpenito, “Piani di assistenza infermieristica e documentazionei”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2a edizione, Milano, 2011.

• Lynda Juall Carpenito-Moyet, “diagnosi infermieristiche – applicazione alla pratica clinica”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 4a edizione Milano, 2009.

• M. Johnson, G. Bulechek, J. McCloskey Dochterman, M. Maas, S. Moorhead, “Diagnosi infermieristiche, risultati, interventi – collegamenti NANDA, NOC, NIC”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2005.

• Claudio Rugarli, “Medicina interna sistematica”, Casa Editrice Masson, 6a edizione, Trento, 2010

Teaching methods

Lessons with slides and videos and discussion with students. Problem Based learning.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam on the whole program in one single session with other sections of clinical medicine integrated course. Will be evaluated: the knowledge and understanding of the issues included in the program, through questions on notions; the objective of competence in applying notions to practise through questions on nursing programming in specific clinical cases; reasoning capacity on the nursing process; the acquisition of a correct terminology and the possible personal elaboration. Final score results from academic board consultation, based on the grading obtained in each course section.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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