Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will learn the basic principles of the thermofluidynamics of the fire. He must also acquire knowledge of numerical codes used in fire safety design fire on the basis of the engineering approach.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to deal with a design study case using the engineering approach to fire safety and in particular to the use of numerical codes accredited in this field.
Making judgments:
By the end of the course the student will have the tools to critically evaluate the design choices in the field of fire safety design.
Communication skills:
The student must possess the ability to present clearly the procedure adopted in the assessment of the fire safety of a compartment on the basis of the engineering approach including the use of codes of simulation / visualization of the dynamics of the fire.
To follow the course with profit requires knowledge of the basic concepts of Applied Physics. It is also useful to have familiarity with the basic features of Microsoft Excel.
Course unit content
The course is structured in two parts: theory and practical lessons. The theory lectures cover the following subjects: Regulatory and engineering approach to fire safety design, National and international regulatory framework of reference, The process of combustion, Combustion by-products, Amount of oxygen consumed, Energy balance of the flame, The adiabatic combustion temperature, Development stages of the fire, Regimes of burning, Classification of the flames, Flammability and premixed flames, Measurement of flammability limits, Flammability Diagrams, Diffusion flames, Laminar and turbulent jet flames, Natural natural: the fire and the smoke plumes, Fire resistance of structural elements, Nominal fire curves, Production and dynamics of the smoke produced by a fire, Numerical analysis applied to the thermo fluid dynamics of the fire, Zone models and field models software, C-Fast, FDS. The exercise activities carried out in the computer lab, focused on case studies, are aimed at the acquisition of the fundamental elements for the use of CFD codes for fire simulation and fire safety design.
Full programme
Regulatory and engineering approach to fire design:
national and international regulatory framework of reference, the DM May 9, 2007, ISO / TR 13387, stages of fire growth, the condition of flashover, the fire load and specific design fire load.
Thermodynamics of combustion:
combustion process, combustion byproducts, amount of oxygen consumed, theoretical air of combustion, stoichiometric concentration, ventilation ratio, over ventilated and underventilated conditions.
Energy balance of the flame: enthalpy of combustion, adiabatic combustion temperature, minimum energy energy, extinguishing agents, Halons.
Classification of the flames: the limits of flammability and premixed flames, measurement of flammability limits, flammability diagrams, diffusive flames, laminar and turbulent jet flames.
Regimes of burning: RHR, rate of burning, the pool fire, the alpha t-squared model, fire development.
Natural fire: the flame height, the plume of smoke and fire, the ideal model of the plume, the Zukoski model, the Heskestad model, the Thomas model The model of The, the McCaffrey model The model of The , Production and dynamics of the smoke produced by the fire,
Fire resistance of structures: the nominal fire curves, application examples, passive protection of structures.
Numerical analysis applied to the thermo fluid dynamics of the fire: The zone models and field models, C-Fast, FDS.
The exercise activities carried out in the computer lab, focused on case studies, are aimed at the acquisition of the fundamental elements for the use of CFD codes for fire simulation and fire safety design.
Recommended book:
INGEGNERIA DELLA SICUREZZA ANTINCENDIO, Antonio La Malfa Case Editrice "Lagislazione Tecnica Editrice" di Roma
An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, by D. Drysdale, John Wiley Edition
Additional educational material available on the University web learning site “Campus Net”: Lecture slides.
Teaching methods
Slides will be used to convey the most important messages of the theory lectures. The students will perform the experiments during the lab sessions. The part devoted to the lab training includes lessons in the computer lab aimed at the simulation of the dynamics of combustion for some representative fire of practical interest. Each tutorial provides an introduction to the case study, an activity carried out independently by the students, followed by an elaboration and discussion of results.
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination is based on a practical test to be carried out with the aid of the computer codes used in the tutorials, followed by an oral examination. The examination is weighted as follows: 50% practical test (proper analysis of the case study); 50% oral exam (theory questions and speaking ability).
Other information
Lecture attendance is highly recommended.