Career prospects

EXPERT IN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT Function in a working context The functions were identified on the basis of the professional figures required by public agencies and bodies, service companies and professional firms, and on the basis of the experience of environmental science graduates already employed. The graduate in Science and Technology for the Environment and Resources is able to work independently, also assuming the responsibility of coordination of investigations and study projects, as well as enviromenatal assessment, remediation and management. In addition, he can assume responsibility for safety management and environmental control in manufactoring sectors and public authorities. He is also able to manage dissemination, training and environmental education programmes.
Expertise associated with the function The degree course in Science and Technology for the Environment and Resources prepares professionals able to work in service companies, professional firms, industry and public administration with skills in: environmental assessments and monitoring, environmental and territorial management, sustainable planning of land and resource use, optimisation of environmental resources exploitation, economic evaluation of environmental policies, pollution and waste management, environmental dissemination and education.
Job opportunities Job opportunities are in the environmental services of public authorities and administrations (ARPA, AUSL, regional technical services, basin authorities, etc.); in service companies for the purification and distribution of water, waste treatment, reclamation consortia; in professional firms and in companies of spatial design and planning, of certification and environmental analysis, in goods manufactorer and services companies; in public and private research bodies. Possession of a Master's degree in Environmental and Land Sciences and Technology allows admission to the state examinations of certain professional associations in accordance with current legislation. In particolar, after passing the state examination, the registration in the following professional orders is allowed (Presidential Decree 328/01; Ministerial Decree 16/03/07; attachment 2 Ministerial Decree 386/07):
Agronomists and Foresters, Section A Architects planners, landscape architects and conservators, Section A Landscapers Biologists, Section A Geologists, Section A As a result of the agreement signed by the National College of Agrotechnicians and AISA - Italian Association of Environmental Sciences on 13.01.2015, it is possible to join the Professional Register of Agrotechnicians and Agrotechnician Graduates. Passing the state exam and registering to AISA are entry requirement.
The Master's degree in the LM75 graduation class is a qualification for PhD programmeadmission.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS The master's degree graduate interacts with technical experts or simple stakeholders, for this reason he must be able to communicate clearly and effectively using both specialist and popular languages. In particular, he acts keeping in mind that communication must be clear and immediate without leading to misleading and ambiguous interpretations. During studies, the master's degree graduate has acquired the skills to - conduct written technical-scientific reports in Italian and English - conduct oral presentations in Italian and English - use multimedia tools for scientific, technical and popular presentations - interact with others and conduct collaborative activities.
Written and oral communication skills are developed during course units and tested in exams. In particular, some course units include modules in which students are engaged in workshops, where they are required to conduct short presentations and debates on predetermined topics. Communication techniques are in particular developed as part of the dissertation internship, during which there are three seminars (presentation of the dissertation project, progress seminar and final seminar) that are evaluated to determine the final grade. The progress seminar is held in English


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

T. 39+ 0521 905613

Education manager:
Sig.ra Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087
Manager E. 

President of the degree course

Prof. Fulvio Celico


Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Bartoli


Career guidance delegate

Prof. Michele Donati


Quality assurance manager

Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti



Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti


Tutor students

Dott.ssa Laura Ducci
