Non-selective test

Basic mathematical knowledge will be tested at the beginning of the academic year (as stipulated in Art. 6 of M.D. 270/04) with a compulsory but non-selective test, success in which is not conditional on admission to the degree course. Failure to reach the threshold set by the Degree Course, as specified in the Course Regulations, entails the allocation of specific additional training obligations (OFAs) that must be met within the first year of the course.
All students wishing to enrol in the degree course in Earth Sciences in the 2022/23 academic year must take an assessment test of initial knowledge and thus a non-selective test.
The test will take place on a date to be determined

Test registration 
To take the test, students must register online by____ using the form available on the degree course website. It is not necessary to be already enrolled in the degree course. When registering for the test, students with disabilities will be able to apply for auxiliary aids and/or additional time for the test through the University's support centre for vulnerable groups, students with disabilities and students with specific learning disorders. 
 At the end of registration each student registered for the test will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to take the test.

The following are exempt from taking the test:

  •  students enrolling on the Degree Course having already obtained a technical-scientific degree;
  • students transferring from another Degree Course at our University or another University having already passed a mathematics examination;
  • students who have successfully taken an advance mathematics knowledge test in the year 2020 and 2021 (TOLC Test) with a passing threshold of 6, provided that they present documentation proving that they have passed the test to be sent by e-mail to the Course President Prof. Alessandro Chelli.

The test will consist of 15 questions to be answered in 60 minutes, and will cover mathematics topics related to secondary school curricula.
Each correct answer will give one point, there will be no penalty for wrong answers.
Those who do not exceed the thresholds defined by the Course Council will be allocated OFAs (Additional Educational Obligations) to be completed as described below:
For scores from 0 to 4, it will be MANDATORY to attend the remedial course scheduled in the two weeks following the test, and to take another test at the end of that course. The topics of the second test will be the same as the first.
If the debt is not settled, the Course Council will assess the student's position and decide on other possible measures (such as, for example, not allowing enrolment in the second year if the mathematics examination is not passed within the first year). For scores of 5 to 7, no OFAs will be awarded, but it will still be STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to take the remedial course.
For further information, please contact the Mathematics teacher Prof. Alessandra Lunardi
Please note that attendance of the remedial course is compulsory for students who did not take the self-assessment test of initial preparation, or who took it but scored less than 5, and is strongly recommended for those who scored 5 to 7. However, the course can also be taken by those with a higher score. 
Like all a.y. course units. 2022/23, only face-to-face lectures and no streaming are provided. Recordings or other equivalent material will be made available to students who cannot attend the course. 
Classes will be held from ______, in the following classrooms:
At the end of the course, a new test will be administered to students who did not take the self-assessment test or who took it with a score below 5; those who fail it will be assigned additional training obligations by the Course Council. 
Students must abide by the general rules on class attendance, which can be found at…

Topics of the test

The test will consist of 15 questions to be answered in 60 minutes, will cover mathematics topics related to high school curricula.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116


Quality assurance office

Education manager
Ms Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087
Office E.
Manager E 

President of the degree course

Prof. Alessandro Chelli


Faculty advisor

Prof. Paola Monegatti


Career guidance delegate

Prof. Emma Petrella

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Teresa Trua
