cod. 1005491

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Nicola BRUNO
Academic discipline
Psicologia generale (M-PSI/01)
Psicologia generale e fisiologica
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Mastering the foundations of perceptual functions. Learning the core concepts underlying psychophysical methods to study perception.



Course unit content

Introduction to the study of perception in psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Introduction to psychophysical methods.

Full programme

Classical psychophysics. Stevens' psychophysics. Signal detection. Perception as a cycle environment - receptors - brain - environment. Low level vision. Middle vision. High level vision. Multisensory processes. Metatheories of perception.


Bruno, N. (2021). Introduzione alla percezione visiva: come facciamo a vedere. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Bruno, N. & Pavani, F. (2018). Perception: A multisensory perspective. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Teaching methods

In-class lectures, compliant with safety standards. Supporting materials will be made available online and will include slide and audio-video materials.

Assessment methods and criteria

For students that attend the lectures: written exam (open questions) at the end of the course. For all others: oral exam on the texts in their entirety.

Other information

It is recommended that students take Data Analysis 1 prior to attending this course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
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T. +39 0521 000000
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E. del manager [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Presidente del corso di studio

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Delegato orientamento in ingresso

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Delegato orientamento in uscita

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Docenti tutor

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Delegati Erasmus

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Studenti tutor

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