Learning objectives
The main goal of course is to provide students with the ability to understand how information systems fit into the structures of business organizations.
The technological infrastructure capable of providing the services to effectively support business goals will be described.
Particular attention in the course will be given to data security issues.
In the course will also be described some methods of analysis and quantitative evaluation of the performance of computer systems.
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Course unit content
Information systems (32 hours)
1.1. From mainframes to clusters, architectures levels (8 hours)
1.1.1. Evolution of computer systems (mainframe, distributed architectures, clusters, virtualization,
grid, cloud computing, mobility)
1.1.2. Architectures levels (client-server, web-services, ...)
1.1.3. Management systems - computing centers - Green computing
1.2. Engineering of business processes (12 hours)
1.2.1. Computer system / information system
1.2.2. The value chain
1.2.3. The business processes
1.2.4. Re-engineering of business processes
1.2.5. The profiles for the computer in the company (The model EUCIP)
1.2.6. Tutorial Project
1.3. Management information systems (4 hours)
1.3.1. The pyramid of Antony
1.3.2. Data warehouse, data marts
1.3.3. OLAP systems
1.3.4. Data Mining
1.3.5. Tutorial and Example
1.4. Internet, e-business models and network services (4 hours)
1.4.1. The models of e-business
1.4.2. Business models on the net (Google)
1.4.3. Management of online advertising
1.5. Procedures for the acquisition of computer systems (4 hours)
1.5.1. Procurement procedures (CNIPA, ...)
Security (10 hours)
2.1. Introduction to security issues in distributed systems (2 hours)
2.1.1. System security, physical security
2.1.2. Attacks on computer systems - models of attack
2.2. Private key encryption and public key encryption (4 hours)
2.2.1. Introduction to cryptography and a little history
2.2.2. Streams and encryption block cipher (DES)
2.2.3. Private key encryption
2.2.4. Public key cryptography (Diffie-Hellman algorithms - RSA)
2.3. Digital Signature (2 hour)
2.3.1. Authentication, Authorization Certificate
2.3.2. Digital Signature
2.3.3. Hash algorithms
2.4. E-mail security (2 hour)
2.4.1. Security in e-mail
2.4.2. SPAM
Models and performance evaluation systems (12 hours)
3.1. Introduction to performance evaluation
3.1.1. Measurement techniques and simulation and benchmarking
3.1.2. Levels of abstraction
3.2. Stochastic models
3.2.1. Introduction to stochastic processes
3.2.2. Markov processes
3.2.3. Markov chains (discrete time and continuous time)
3.2.4. Examples and techniques for steady-state solution
3.3. Petri nets
3.3.1. Introduction to Petri Nets. Reachability graph. Types of networks
3.3.2. Models of systems using Petri nets.
3.3.3. Property
3.4. Stochastic Petri nets, GSPN
3.4.1. Timed Petri Nets
3.4.2. Introduction to the GSPN (immediate transitions, reduced reachability graph)
3.4.3. Models of systems using GSPN
3.4.4. Great-SPN
3.5. Queuing networks, models of systems to networks of queues.
3.5.1. Introduction and Definitions
3.5.2. Simple models and solutions
Full programme
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G. Bracchi, C. Francalanci, G. Motta: Sistemi informativi e aziende in rete, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
G. Bracchi, C. Francalanci, G. Motta: Sistemi informativi d’impresa, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
G. Destri: Introduzione ai sistemi informativi aziendali, MUP, 2007
Teaching methods
traditional classroom lessons
Assessment methods and criteria
A written exam and two essays
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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