Learning objectives
The course has the objective to consolidate the methodological training of students in the practical application of techniques of empirical research, both quantitative and qualitative. You will then resumed and deepened, with a cut heavily applicative, themes and methods introduced in the first year.
It will, especially, expanded the capacity to implement the critical analysis of the literature nursing and midwifery national and international level and to develop and / or use the research tools for the study of phenomena in different areas of practice.
It also proposes to enable students to illustrate the main alternative to setting an empirical investigation (research design) on the basis of the initial hypotheses and theoretical approaches alternatives available.
Having passed the examination of "Statistics and research methodology nursing and midwifery"
Course unit content
Techniques of data collection:
Interview: definition and limits;
The interview in depth, semi-structured interview, the pilot survey, the structured interview, the postal survey. The construction of a questionnaire, the computerized questionnaire.
Quantitative scales: Likert, semantic differential.
Validation of the scales. Cross Tabulation. The qualitative interview: the focus group.
Official statistical sources. Writing a scientific article. Critical analysis of research papers nursing-midwifery.
Clinical Evidence Clinical Practice.
Drafting of an original thesis: from the problem to the presentation of the results.
Full programme
Cf.: content, objectives, methods of verification
James A. Fain, La ricerca infermieristica – leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla, Milano, McGraw-Hill Companies, srl Publishing Group Italia, 2004, trad. it. di: Reading, Understanding, and Applying Research. A test and Workbook, 2nd edition.
Kenneth D. Bailey, Metodi della ricerca sociale, Bologna, ed. Il Mulino, 1985, trad. it. di Methods of Social Research, New York, The Free Press, 1982. Edizione italiana a cura di Maurizio Rossi.
Monographs, mentioned at the beginning of the lessons.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with the use of audiovisual aids, classroom discussion with students, group and individual elaborations.
Critical analysis research articles.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination including the evaluation of the thesis project and the critical analysis of a research article.
Other information
Students must attend at least 50% of class hours.
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