Learning objectives
At the end of the course the student must:
- Know the peculiarities of each body system
- Know the main human needs and the factors that influence them
- Know the behaviors related to maintaining health
Integrated course unit module: GENERAL NURSING II
Teaching site Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma
Dott.ssa Rachele La Sala E. rlasala@ao.pr.it
Teaching site Azienda USL di Parma
Dott.ssa Lucia Gotri E. lugotri@ausl.pr.it
Teaching site Azienda USL di Piacenza
Dott.ssa Cinzia Merlini E. cmerlini@ausl.pc.it
Prof. Luca Ampollini
E. luca.ampollini@unipr.it
Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo
E. ccasubolo@ao.pr.it
Dott.ssa Francesca Costa
E. f.costa@ausl.pc.it
Prof. Enzo Poli
E. enzo.poli@unipr.it