cod. 1008313

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to develop in the student the ability to communicate architecture, through the development of three-dimensional models created with the current tools of digital representation (BIM technology) and of graphic works able to define both the compositional idea and the the basis of the project is the dimensional, formal and technical information necessary for the construction of the architecture.
The educational program will be conducted through the development of an architectural model, defined with the student at the beginning of the course, the drafting of a project on the executive scale and some competition tables.
At the end of the course the student will have to know the potential and the digital architectural modeling technique of BIM software, in addition to the rendering methods commonly used to obtain photorealistic images; all this for the purpose of an exhaustive graphic elaboration of the assigned architecture, from the first elaborates useful to illustrate the compositional, formal and dimensional aspect of the volumes up to the executive technical drawings able to clarify every aspect tied to the construction technology and to the adopted materials .
Knowledge and ability to understand
The aim of the course is the consolidation of the fundamental acquisitions for the correct and complete communication of the constructed object and its components, for the purpose of its exhaustive and articulated representation both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.
The course aims to provide knowledge of the tools and procedures for the graphic representation of the executive project using BIM software.

The skills acquired will concern the ability to identify the tools and techniques best suited for the description and communication of the architectural project, developing the project in a BIM environment and managing three-dimensional visualization through the most suitable software.

Autonomy of judgment
Upon passing the exam the student must have developed the ability to critically evaluate which tools, techniques and codes of the representation are the most suitable in the graphic rendering of the executive architecture project, carried out starting from a BIM modeler.

Communication skills
Students will develop the ability to describe and communicate at various scales the place, the architectural space and their components, through the application of the knowledge of representation techniques inherent to the new advanced digital instrumentation of drawing in BIM environment.

Learning ability
The assigned exercises, expressed in the final papers required, are intended to consolidate the student in the correct use of the representation methods and in the use of the most advanced digital drawing programs in the BIM environment; at the end of the lessons and exercises, the student should have acquired the knowledge and skills of the discipline to face an in-depth study and autonomous application of these aspects.


It is useful to have in-depth knowledge of assisted two-dimensional design (Autocad) and basic knowledge of three-dimensional modeling with generic software.

Course unit content

The course deals with the theme of project representation, with a specific reference to the graphic conventions (symbologies) adopted in the magnitude scales normally used in the transition from the architectural plan to the executive design of the construction site. The theme will be addressed through the preliminary learning of the current tools of digital representation, and in particular of BIM technology.
In the first teaching module, Digital Modeling of Architecture (4 CFU) the lessons will take place through the analysis of the instrumentation and procedures of the project design: from the sketch to the digital model, addressing the various phases of the construction project (design , design, definition and construction of the architectural object) and the related representation techniques and graphic and model syntheses, retracing the entire process by applying the main concepts on an agreed building.
Through the presentation of the most widespread computerized parametric design and three-dimensional modeling programs, the digital technologies for information processing will be illustrated with the purpose of representative integrations, exploring the potential of some parametric graphic software dedicated to architecture (BIM) , such as AllPlan, ArchiCad and Revit, and analyzing the codes and graphic conventions to be used with these tools in the context of the representation of the executive project.
In Digital Visualization of project (4 CFU), the theme of the design role is dealt with in its various meanings, with a particular focus on the design for the communication of the architectural idea (the competition table), analyzing some examples of representations of contemporary architectures, fundamental tools for prefiguring the project, both in the communication of the more properly technical facts, as a distribution, geometric definition of shapes and volumes of a structure, and in the transmission of the perceptive qualities of the designed architecture and its inclusion in a context existing or imagined.
At the end of the lessons and in response to the topics covered, the creation of a series of tables will be required which foresee the application of the concepts learned in relation to the principles of the representation of a building project, related to the theme identified in the current year, according to the directions received from the lecturer (the exercise can also be carried out in groups of 2/3 people).
The represented building elements will be composed in graphic tables in A1 format (84 x 59.4 cm), placed horizontally, (subsequently printed in reduced form - A3 - and bound with a metal spiral to form a file that will constitute documentation of the work done and as such will be withdrawn from teaching).
The technique of representation to be used for the realization of these final tables to be presented to the exam (to be submitted to mandatory revisions by the lecturer), is necessarily that of the design expressed through the use of parametric software chosen by the student.

Full programme

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AA.VV., Grande atlante di architettura (13 voll.), Utet, Torino, 2002.
AA.VV., “Norme per il disegno tecnico”, UNI, Milano, 2005.
M. Canciani, “I disegni di progetto. Costruzioni, tipi e analisi”, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2009
Luca Guerra, L’esecutivo architettonico 1.0 – Gli elaborati progettuali, LGArchitetti ed., 2010.
AA.VV., Autodesk Revit Architecture, Apogeo ed., 2011
Simona Lanzu – Luca Rovero, Il disegno architettonico esecutivo. Linee guida alla redazione degli elaborati grafici, EPC editore, 2012.

AA.VV. (a cura di C. Mezzetti): “Il Disegno dell’architettura italiana nel XX secolo”, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2003
C. Vernizzi: “Il Disegno in Pier Luigi Nervi. Dal dettaglio della materia alla percezione dello spazio”, Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2011.
C. Tedeschi: “Ordine, disordine e caos. Idea, pensiero, forma e rappresentazione nel disegno dell'architettura”. Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2013.

Teaching methods

The lessons will take place in the classroom, with a series of frontal readings realized through the presentation of presentations and through accurate revisions of the papers.

During the course, practical activities will be aimed at modeling (from preliminary preparation to the possibility of performing photo-realistic renderings) of buildings agreed at the beginning of the lesson period; while during the lessons the general problems related to the representation of architecture will be discussed.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course, two intermediate examinations are scheduled, on a date to be defined, with the presentation respectively of a model made with the BIM software of your choice and the draft, also manual, of the competition tables planned for passing the final exam.

The final verification of the learning of the topics covered in the course consists in the discussion of the topics dealt with during the lessons and in the evaluation of the final graphic works produced by the student: executive project and tables for the competition of the architecture agreed with the student.
The student will also have to demonstrate, through the examination interview, to have learned at a general level the concepts of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and to be able to correctly model an architectural building on a definitive level with the BIM platforms used in the course.
The evaluation of the tables will be expressed in relation to the completeness, clarity and originality of the contents.
Drafting of the documents 50% divided as follows
Explanation of theoretical aspects (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Independent choice of representation methods
(autonomy of judgment)
Oral verification 50% so divided
Theoretical questions (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Exposure property (communication skills)
During the examination, the student must submit the following documentation:
- printing of A1 graphic tables with the representations agreed with the individual student during the course;
- reduced printing in A3 format of the tables prepared in A1 format;
- CD or DVD containing the documents in digital format.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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