Learning objectives
At the end of the course, the student has to know the theories about restoration and principles that have influenced the activity of preserving from antiquity to the 20th century. In particular, he has to acquire the basic historical-critical and bibliographic instruments for an adequate approach to the use and abuse of historical analysis in the field of restoration. The student will be able to: - use the appropriate technical language; - analyze, recognize and put in a historic view previous work on the object being studied; - demonstrate that they have independently investigated the critical story on the complex and sometimes ambiguous relationship between the History of Architecture and Restoration.
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Course unit content
The module intends to provide a basic theoretical reflection on the potential and dangers of the History of Architecture in the context of architectural restoration. The attitude of designers towards the building heritage of the past has profoundly changed in the various eras of Western history. Through case studies and protagonists of the historical-architectural heritage, the module connects theoretical inputs to operational practices. It is a didactic path that allows you to acquire an essential cultural background to identify and critically evaluate the interventions on the built heritage.
Full programme
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See bibliography of the principal course.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into lectures and laboratory activities. The didactic activities will be carried out by privileging case studies and in-depth seminars. Lessons will take place with constant use of grafic and photographic material that will be presented through ppt projections. Students will be provided with a digital copy of the presentations slides. The lessons will be organized in presence.
Assessment methods and criteria
See the corresponding item of the Core Restoration and Reuse of Architecture Studio.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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