cod. 1010665

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Annual
Federica OTTONI
Academic discipline
Restauro (ICAR/19)
Teorie e tecniche per il restauro architettonico
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding capabilities:
At the end of the course, the student will have a wide and critical view on
the methods and techniques for the architectural heritage restoration and
of its valorization, in connection with the current cultural debate.
At the end of the course the student will be able to identify the main
material and structural issues of an historical building and tits value. He
will be able to develop, following a critical analysis of the building, an
organic restoration and conservation design of the case study, aimed at
its possible reuse and valorization.
Independent judgment:
The student will have to develop the capability of evaluating critically the
conservation status of a historical building, identifying the most suitable
techniques for the specific case, looking for an equilibrium between
conservation, safety and functionality. Moreover, the student will be able
to interpret and assess the quality of any restoration design.
Communication skills:
During the course, the student will improve its correctness of speech,
with specific reference to the technical terms of restoration, in order to
communicate in an effective and precise way a restoration design.
Learning ability: The student must be able to critically select the most suitable
intervention and to relate his choice to the current cultural debate


t is helpful if students have attended the Restoration course, as the base
knowledge of restoration theories and of historical building elements are
taken for granted during the course.
The course takes also for granted the knowledge of structural
strengthening (achieved by the students during the previuos courses of
Restoration and strengthening I and Restoration).
It is also useful to have some knowledge of computer aided design (e.g.
Autocad) and multimedia presentaions (e.g. Powerpoint)

Course unit content

The course is the main module of the Final Synthesis Laboratory in
Restoration and Reuse and is, like this one, more generally aimed at the
reorganization, by the students, of the contents learned during the
course of study for the realization of their final degree thesis.
Like any other module, it is organized in a theoretical part - recalling and
deepening the main themes of restoration and conservation, as well as
the tools to achieve them - and a more operational one - of restoration
design applied to a specific case (chosen by the student during the
In particular, the module will deal with the theme of integrated
conservation and the economic issue underlying each enhancement
intervention, deepening functional aspects related to the adaptive reuse
of heritage.
During the course the student will be provided with a broad and critical
view of regulations, methods and techniques for the knowledge of the
historical architectural heritage and its state of conservation, as well as
the most current methodologies for the definition of a correct restoration
project, which very often finds in reuse the first guarantee of realization also in relation to the existing cultural debate.
The design part involves the application of the acquired knowledge - in
this and in the previous course of Restoration (IV year Architecture) or
Restoration and Consolidation I module (I year of the Master's Degree in
Civil Engineering), of which it is proposed as a natural continuation - to
the restoration and consolidation of a real historical building.

Full programme

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Suggested books:
- Settis S., Se Venezia muore, Torino, Einaudi, 2014;
- De Rubertis R. (a cura di), La città rimossa. Roma, Officina edizioni,
- Di Stefano R., Il recupero dei valori. Centri storici e monumenti. Limiti
della conservazione e del restauro, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli,
- Di Stefano R., Antiche pietre per una nuova civiltà. Edizioni Scientifiche
Italiane, Napoli, 2003
- Leeuwarden Declaration Adaptive Re-Use Of The Built Heritage:
Preserving And Enhancing The Values Of Our Built Heritage For Future
- P. Gazzola, Prefazione a Il monumento per l’uomo, Atti del II Congresso
Internazionale dl restauro, Venezia, 1964, Padova 1971, p. XXV
- Blasi C., Sicurezza e responsabilità: due termini da ripensare alla luce
delle norme vigenti per la salvaguardia degli edifici storici, in Safe
Monuments 2014 - Tra conservazione e Sicurezza di Edifici Monumentali
e del Costruito Storico, Edizioni Collegio degli Ingegneri della Toscana,
Firenze, 2014, pp. 3-9.
Research books:
- R. DI STEFANO, Antiche pietre per una nuova civiltà, Edizioni
Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2003;
- R. DI STEFANO, Monumenti e valori, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli,
- T. MONTANARI, Privati del patrimonio, Le Vele, Einaudi, Torino, 201?
- S. SETTIS, Architettura e democrazia, Le Vele, Einaudi, Torino, 2014
- R. PICONE, Conservazione e accessibilità. Il superamento delle barriere
architettoniche negli edifici e nei siti storici, Arte Tipografica, Napoli 2004.
- T. MONTANARI, Le pietre e il popolo. Restituire ai cittadini l’arte e la
storia delle città italiane, Minimum fax, Roma, 2013
- T. MONTANARI, Privati del patrimonio, Einaudi, Torino, 2015
More didactic material (AVAILABLE ON THE COURSE’S WEB SITE):
Course slides

Teaching methods

The course is divided into a series of lectures, also with the help of
Powerpoint presentations. The lessons will be live, obviously if the
sanitary conditions bring him. Some online lessons / seminars are
provided for external guests, however organized during lesson times and
in live streaming mode, with exchange of questions by students.
Each student will be followed by the teacher through a series of ongoing
Moreover, during the course there will be two collective reviews: in these
occasions, each student will present (with Powerpoint or similar) its own
work progress to the teachers and to the other students. These occasions
are important both to exercise the communication skills of the students
and to exchange and compare experiences among the different groups

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course, the students will present their work to the teacher, in
order to check and possibly correct the design process.
Moreover, the two collective reviews, with public presentation of the
designs, will allow a first evaluation of the correctness of speech and of
the communicative skills.
The exam includes all modules and consists in the delivery of project
documents (summary drawings) and in the discussion by the student of
the choices made

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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