cod. 1006759

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Cristina CASERO
Academic discipline
Storia dell'arte contemporanea (L-ART/03)
Discipline storico-artistiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: History of Contemporary Art (INTEGR. LM)

Learning objectives

The course intends to provide students with the proper methodology and critical awareness for studying and analyzing contemporary art of the 20th Century, a time in which artists have often engaged with the expressive means of new technologies. Through the course students are expected to acquire a competence allowing them to comprehend and address the specific problem of the subject, also from a technical and lexical point of view.


Students are required to have proper knowledge of the outline of art history, particularly of the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Course unit content

The course is focused on art in the 19th and 20th Centuries – in Italy, but with constant attention towards the international scene – and particularly on forms of visual communication exploiting new technologies.

Full programme


In addition to the notes, students will have to study one book in the list below:

C. Casero, Gesti di Rivolta. Arte, fotografia e femminismo a Milano 1975-1980, Enciclopedia delle Donne, Milano 2020
C. Casero, E. Di Raddo (a cura di), Anni ’70: l’arte dell’impegno. I nuovi orizzonti culturali, ideologici e sociali nell’arte italiana, Cinisello Balsamo, Milano, Silvana Editoriale 2009
C. Casero, E. Di Raddo (a cura di), Anni Settanta. La rivoluzione nei linguaggi dell'arte, Postmediabooks, Milano 2015
R. Perna, Arte, fotografia e femminismo in Italia negli anni Settanta, Postmediabooks, Milano 2013
A. Pioselli, L’arte nello spazio urbano. L’esperienza italiana dal 1968 a oggi, Johan & Levi, Monza 2015
F. Poli, Minimalismo, Arte Povera, Arte Concettuale, Laterza, Roma Bari 2014
T. Trini, Mezzo secolo di arte intera. Scritti 1964-2014, Milano, Johan & Levi 2016

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures aimed at giving an outline of the specific methodology, with readings from the main theoretical sources and participated analyses of a series of works. On Elly, useful materials will be made available for the preparation of the exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exams will be oral. During the final exam, students will be required to be able to read the visual documents of contemporaneity in their technical and expressive specificity. It will also be necessary that they show the adequate ability to put their formal elements in relation with their general context of the developments. During each lecture, students will be required to actively participate, addressing the proposed cases and, in the process, enhancing their own ability to analyze and understand the contemporary visual document. The exam will consist of the discussion of the artworks seen in class and the literature dedicated to them, which will be indicated in the course bibliography.
Different kinds of questions will evaluate the level of learning from students, according to Dublin Descriptors.
A fail is determined by the lack of an understanding of the minimum content of the course, the inability to express oneself at the level of proficiency expected of students, by a lack of autonomous preparation, the inability to solve problems related to information retrieval and the decoding of images and topics of art, as well as an inability to make independent judgments and communicate content, analysis and judgments in well-argumented,competent and convincing ways.
A pass (18-23/30) is determined by the demonstration on the part of the student of having learned the fundamental and minimum contents of the course, according to the indicators listed above. The Middle-range scores (24-27/30) are assigned to the student who produces evidence of a more than sufficient level (24-25/30) or good level (26-27/30) in the evaluation indicators, (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are awarded on the basis of the student’s demonstration of a very good or excellent level.
The outcome of the exam is communicated immediately at the end of the exam itself. To access the oral exam, online registration for the exam is required.

Other information

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