cod. 1010509

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Statistica medica (MED/01)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
28 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

After the course students should be able:
- to understand the nature of a variable by assessing its distribution;
- to collect, treat and properly present a dataset;
- to critically and correctly read the scientific literature;
- to use main tools of bibliographic search.


Knowledge of basic mathematics.

Course unit content

• Introduction to medical statistics and methods of data collections.
• Descriptive statistics: types of variables, frequency distributions, graphs, position and dispersione measures.
• Introduction to inferential statistics.
• Gaussian distribution.
• Ounctual estimate and confidence interval.
• The hypothesis test.
• Properties of a screening test.
• Interpreting clinical measures (normally distributed and asymetric distributions).
• Interpreting frequency measures (percentages and proportions).
• Comparing groups of people and assessing associations. Comparing two percentages or proportions and comparing two means.
• Evidence-based dental hygiene: what it is and how to practice it.
• Introduction to scientific literature and to bibliographic database of the bio-medical fileld.
• Types of studies in reserach and clinical practice. Experimental and observational studies.
• How to perform a bibliographic research: phases of bibliographic research. Query sintax and Boolean operators. The query language: free words research and controlled language (MeSH, Medical Subject Headings in PubMed). Methodological filters. Examples of bibliohgraphic searches with Pubmed (simulation).
• Examples of critical reading of a scientific paper.

Full programme

To see Contents.


Classroom slides (uploaded on Elly after 2/3 of the course) are the reference point for the exam. Some further reference books:
- WW Daniel and CL Cross - Biostatistica, concetti di base per l’analisi statistica delle scienze dell’area medico-sanitaria - Ed. EdiSES;
- SA Glantz - Statistica per discipline biomediche - McGraw-Hill.

Teaching methods

During the classroom lectures the topics of the module program will be illustrated and commented. Each theory argument with mathematical formulae will be explained through simple and practical examples, in order to allow students focusing on basic concepts more than the formulae themselves.
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of module objectives includes:
- creation of work groups made by 3-5 students;
- analysis and presentation of a scientific paper each group;
- creation of an online questionnaire (Google form, surveymonkey etc) and data presentation.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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