cod. 1005002

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
* scienze ostetriche
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to consolidate the methodological preparation of the students in view of the practical application of quantitative and qualitative research techniques. They will then be resumed and deepened, with a strong application cut, themes and methods introduced in the first year. In particular, it will expand the ability to implement the critical analysis of national and international nursing and midwifery literature, as well as develop and / or use survey tools to study phenomena in the various professional areas. It is also proposed to make students able to illustrate the main alternatives of setting up an empirical survey (drawing of research) based on the initial hypotheses and alternative theoretical approaches available. Finally, students will have to transfer the data from a collection tool to a statistical database by elaborating a few simple analyzes.


The examination of "Methods of Nursing and Obstetrician Research 2" can only be supported after passing the exams of "Statistics and Methodology of Nursing and Obstetrics Research" and "Epidemiological Methods of Study, Programming and Evaluation of Health Services"

Course unit content

Data Collection Techniques: Interview: Definition and Limits; The interview in depth; The semi-structured interview; The pilot survey; Structured interview; The post-survey. Building a questionnaire; The computerized questionnaire. Quantitative scales: Likert, semantic differential. Validation of stairs. Transfer the data of a questionnaire and / or observation board to a statistical analysis program as well as encode data and perform simple descriptive analyzes and cross-tabs. The qualitative interview: the focus group. Official statistics sources. Writing a scientific article. Critical analysis of nursing-midwifery research articles. Clinical Evidence, Clinical Practice. Writing an original thesis: from problem to presentation of results.

Full programme

See: Content, Objectives, Methods of Verification


James A. Fain, La ricerca infermieristica – leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla, Milano, McGraw-Hill Companies, srl Publishing Group Italia, 2004, trad. it. di: Reading, Understanding, and Applying Research. A test and Workbook, 2nd edition. Kenneth D. Bailey, Metodi della ricerca sociale, Bologna, ed. Il Mulino, 1985, trad. it. di Methods of Social Research, New York, The Free Press, 1982. Edizione italiana a cura di Maurizio Rossi.
Testi monografici, indicati all'inizio delle lezioni.

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson with the use of audio-visual media, classroom discussion with students, group and individual elaborations. Critical analysis of research articles. Experiment individually, with personal PCs, the data analyzes described above.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination including the evaluation of the thesis project and the critical analysis of a research article.

Other information

Students must attend at least 50% of the lesson hours.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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