cod. 1007385

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Economia degli intermediari finanziari (SECS-P/11)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Part 1:
The course aims to examine the main issues regarding the business law and the accounting.

Specifically, students will acquire skills and capabilities to identify problems and make appropriate choices in this field.

At the end of the course, students will have acquired:
a. the basic knowledge required to understand different legal business and accountability structure and various accounting system.
b. the ability to apply methodologies for the quantitative analysis in order to provide accounting reports.
c. the ability necessary to produce, critically analyze and interpret the financial statement.
d. good communication skills about business law, accounting and financial statement.
e. the knowledge of working methods for the administrative and legal function in the firm, with the capabilities to critically and independently evaluate the suitability of specific documents to the law.

Part 2:
The course aims to deepen the understanding of criteria and methodologies for the analysis of companies. Students will acquire skills and abilities to identify problems and make appropriate choices in the field of firm management.
At the end of the course, students will have acquired:
a. the basic knowledge required to understand and describe the concept of firm financial management;
b. the ability to apply methodologies for the analysis of firm financial performance;
c. the ability to apply knowledge in order to plan and monitor firm growth paths and critically assess financial sustainability using independent judgment;
d. communication skills in the analysis of firm management, financial statements and business plans;
e. the knowledge of working methods for firm management and the ability to critically evaluate, with independent judgment, the degree of potential financial stability of firms.

Part 3:
The course aims to deepen the understanding of criteria and methodologies for the development of a marketing plan. Students will acquire skills and abilities to identify problems and make appropriate choices in the field of firm management.
At the end of the course, students will have acquired:
a. the skills in the field of marketing, gaining the ability to master applicative concepts;
b. the basic skills necessary to apply the most appropriate methodological tools to analyze the different contexts in which the company operates;
c. the ability to apply methodological tools to identify possible operational solutions and to take strategic decisions compared different marketing problems;
d. the communication skills in specific marketing problems;
e. the methods of work for critical and operational evaluation of marketing problems.


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Course unit content

Part 1:
• Overview about company types.
• Company establishment: corporate statute and certificate of incorporation.
• Corporate governance.
• General accounting.
• Double entry bookkeeping: a) income account and financial account; b) accounting operations: purchase, sale, loan and employees.
• Financial statements.

Part 2:
• Historical financial analysis: balance sheet reclassification, balance sheet ratios, cash flows analysis.
• Financial forecasting: financial plans and their construction.
• Payment instruments.
• Financing instruments.

Part 3:
• Marketing plan development
• SWOT analysis
• Market segmentation
• Marketing Mix levers

Full programme

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Part 1 e Part 2:
Teaching materials available online.

Part 3:
Teaching materials will be indicated by the professor

Teaching methods

• Acquisition of knowledge: lectures.
• Acquisition of the ability to apply the methodology of analysis: exercises.
• Acquisition of judgment: workshops stimulate capacity for critical evaluation of potential and limits of the different methods of analysis.
• Developing capacities for learning: workshops present problematic situations and stimulate critical focus search for appropriate solutions.
• Acquisition of technical language: the teacher will illustrate the meaning of the most common terms used by the practitioners.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test.

The acquisition of the ability to communicate with appropriate technical vocabulary will be assessed through 6 multiple-choice questions.

The acquisition of basic knowledge of institutions, methodologies, theories and concepts will be assessed with 9 multiple-choice questions.

The acquisition of the ability to apply methods of analysis methods will be assessed through 6 multiple-choice questions.

The acquisition of learning skills and autonomy of judgment will be evaluated with 9 multiple-choice questions.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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