cod. 1007805

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
* scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
16 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

The course is aimed, in the first part, to provide students with the tools and concepts of interpretation advanced for a theoretical study of the experience of illness as a strong understanding of the fracture biographical subject, examining the impact on daily life and social representations, in the sense both diachronic and synchronic.
In the second part, the course will provide an analysis of the philosophy of "caring", in the light of the interpretative categories provided by the sociological paradigms of health.
Finally, the course offers a monographic section dedicated to a theme strongly linked to any attempt of interpretation related assistance, or the act of empathy and empathy, with particular reference to the successful synthesis performed by the eminent philosopher who has devoted much of its theoretical speculation enthusiastic study of this theme: Edith Stein.


Nothing else to report

Course unit content

The course is ideally divided into three parts:
1. Health, illness, care and culture: a reflection half between the time of history and the social-philosophical representation;
2. Sociocultural paradigms of health and care: good luck and decline (?) Of the biomedical paradigm;
3. Humanities and assistance: the "knot of empathy." The contribution of Edith Stein.

Full programme

As already highlighted in the "contents" section, the course can be ideally divided into three contiguous and complementary parts in order to reach the general cognitive objectives, to which this course aims to "ferry".
First cycle of lessons: "Health, illness, assistance and culture". In this first part of the course the synchronic and diachronic aspects concerning the social representations of the disease will be analyzed.
In close continuity, the second cycle of lectures will deal in particular with the "socio-cultural paradigms of health", from antiquity to the present day.
Finally, the third part of the course is called: "Philosophy and assistance: the knot of empathy." This section focuses on the discussion of the concept of empathy, as well as historically categorized. it will serve as a medium to a possible application of the concept to scientificity in general and to assistance in particular.

First cycle of lessons: "Health, illness, assistance and culture". In this first part of the course the synchronic and diachronic aspects concerning the social representations of the disease will be analyzed.
In close continuity, the second cycle of lectures will deal in particular with the "socio-cultural paradigms of health", from antiquity to the present day.
Finally, the third part of the course is called: "Philosophy and assistance: the knot of empathy." This section focuses on the discussion of the concept of empathy, as well as historically categorized. it will serve as a medium to a possible application of the concept to scientificity in general and to assistance in particular.


- Bertrand Russell, Storia della filosofia occidentale, Mondadori, 1984;
- George Ritzer, Introduzione alla sociologia, a cura di Mariolina Graziosi, UTET, Milano, 2018;
- Guido Giarelli, Eleonora Venneri, Sociologia della salute e della medicina- Manuale per le professioni mediche, sanitarie e sociali, Franco Angeli,
Milano 2009;
- Il morbo lento. La tisi nell'Italia dell'Ottocento;
- Roberto Sala, Etica e bioetica per linfermiere, Carocci, Roma, 2003;
- Silvia Kanizsa, L’ascolto del malato in ospedale. Pedagogia relazionale in ospedale, Guerrini, 1988;
- Corrado Viafora, Introduzione alla bioetica. Bioetica infermieristica, FrancoAngeli, 2006
- Ernest Greenwood, Attributes of a profession", Social Work, 2, n. 3, luglio 1957;
- Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, Theoretical Nursing. Development and Progress, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, marzo 2011 (REV);
- Edith Stein, Zum Problem der Einfühlung, Halle 1917; trd. Italiana, Il problema dell’empatia, a cura di E. Costantini, ed. Studium, Roma 1985;
- Angela Ales Bello, Edith Stein, ed. Piemme,2000;
- Martin L. Hoffman, Empatia e sviluppo morale, il Mulino, Bologna 2008;
- Vinicio Serino, Breve storia antropologica sulle origini della medicina. Mali antichi e antichi rimedi, Angelo Pontecorboli Editore, Firenze, 2016;
- Laura Boella, Empatie. L’esperienza empatica nella società del conflitto, RaffaelloCortinaEditore, Milano, 2018;
- L'empatia come virtù: senso e metodo del dialogo educativo, 2013, Il pozzo di Giacobbe, Antonio Bellingreri;
- Jeremy Rifkin, La civiltà dell'empatia, Milano, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., 2010;
- Lecture notes by the teacher (see elly platform).

Teaching methods

Lesson with participatory approach with the use of visual aids and classroom discussion with students.
The course will be held through lectures to Students either in the classroom (“in presenza”) or in synchronous-streaming (“in telepresenza”) on the Teams platform. Therefore, the opportunity of Student/Teacher interaction will be preserved both face to face and remotely, by the simultaneous use of the Teams platform.
Lectures will be supported by slide presentations, which will be available to students on the Elly platform (

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Learning will be evaluated through an oral, tense interview
to verify both the knowledge and understanding of the discipline that
the ability to integrate the knowledge itself for the purposes of the application in
health and social contexts in general.

In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide

Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (

Other information

Nothing to report.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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