cod. 05779

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (FIS/07)
Discipline fisiche
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding skills
Understand the basic aspects of classical physics and the physical laws ruling it.
Recognize and exemplify the fundamental laws of Classical Physics, Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism, with particular attention to the principles of conservation.
Explain the meaning of the introduced physical quantities
Remember the fundamental units of measurement
Compare physical systems by detecting analogies and differences
Deferring from direct observation of a simple phenomenon the physical laws that describe it
2. applying knowledge and understanding
Apply the known physical laws to describe the system in question
Apply known physical laws to symbolically set up simple problems
Perform dimensional analysis
Apply the acquired knowledge to expose the relationship between physical quantities
Perform simple exercises with related numerical calculations
Students should be able to orient themselves in the evaluation of analogies and differences between physical systems and the understanding of physical laws. They must have acquired the ability to understand the laws of classical physics in the essential aspects, to perform simple exercises with a reasonable degree of autonomy, to statistically process and measure the results of experiments and to summarize the problems in their essential aspects.
3. Autonomy of judgment
Know how to interpret data for a problem
Know how to analyze definitions
Know how to critically evaluate the validity limits of the developed physical models
Know how to recognize the correct formulation of physical laws.

Know how to attribute a reference frame of physical laws to each phenomenon under investigation

Students at the end of the course will have to demonstrate that they have improved their critical skills and judgment formulation, in particular to interpret the data of a problem, to reflect on the phenomena that they observe, to study independently, to communicate ideas-problems-solutions So to develop those learning skills that are necessary to undertake subsequent studies in the field of biophysics or to engage in related professional activities.
4. Communicative Skills
Be able to explain the Physical Laws of Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism in a clear, synthetic and effective way
5. Learning Skills
Study independently
Link different topics discussed in the course and topics addressed in other subjects (Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology)
Evaluate your degree of understanding by trying to solve similar problems but not identical to those already dealt with in lesson
Read basic texts and even more advanced levels with a reasonable degree of autonomy
Know how to change your conceptual framework in the face of simple problems that you cannot immediately determine the solution


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Course unit content

Fluid mechanics
The course gives, with a simplified approach, some basic concepts which are necessary to some of the following biology and chemistry courses.

Full programme

Physical quantities and Units. Vectors and scalars. Operations with vectors. Space-time diagram. Position, velocity, acceleration. Main equations of motion. Newton’s laws. Newton's law of universal gravitation. Fundamental interactions. Friction. Work. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Conservative forces. Potential energy. Conservation of energy. Work of non-conservative forces. Linear momentum. Collisions. Equilibrium. Rotary motion. Moment of Inertia. Kinetic energy of a rotating body. Torque.
FLUID MECHANICS Pressure. Stevino’s law. Archimede’s law. Pascal's law. Flow. Continuity equation. Bernoulli’s theorem. Viscosity. Laminar and turbulent flow. Stoke’s law. Reynold's number. Molecular diffusion. Surface tension. Capillaries and Laplace law.
THERMODYNMICS Temperature scales. Thermal expansion. Kinetic theory of gases. Equipartition of energy. Heat and internal energy. Specific heat. Specific heat of perfect gases. Latent heat and phase transitions. Work and heat. First law of thermodynamics. Some selected transformations. Heat propagation. Heat engines. Reversible and irreversible transformations. Entropy. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot’s cycle. Entropy changes in irreversible transformations. Thermodynamic functions. Osmotic pressure. ELECTROMAGNETISM Electric charge. Insulators and conductors. Induction and polarization. Coulomb’s law. Electric field. Electric field of a point charge, dipole and charge distribution. Electric flux. Gauss's Theorem. Voltage. Effect of electric field on dipoles. Potential energy. Capacity. Capacitors and resistors. Energy storage in capacitors. Effect of insulators on capacity. Electric current. Ohm’s and Joule’s laws. Magnets. Magnetic field. Lorentz force. Magnetic fiels and current in a wire. Biot-Savart's Law. Ampère’s law. Faraday’s law. Electromagnetic induction. Generalized Ampère’s law. Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves. Energy associated with the electromagnetic waves. Spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Polarization. Light refraction. Light dispersion.


Principi di Fisica Serway Jewett EdiSES
Fondamenti di Fisica J.S. Walker Pearson Addison- Wesley

Teaching methods

In the event that the health situation allows the lessons to be held in person or in mixed mode, the following didactic methodology will be followed.
Teaching activities will take place with lessons, sometimes alternating with a Socratic heuristic approach. The topics discussed will be punctually accompanied by examples and simple exercises that allow the student to understand how to apply the concepts outlined.
The slides used during lessons will be uploaded to Elly before the beginning of the course.
The course slides are considered an integral part of the reference material.
It is recommended that non-attending students check the available teaching material and the instructions provided by the teacher through the Elly platform.
In the event that the health situation prevents the lessons from taking place in person or in mixed mode, the lessons will be delivered in synchronous online mode. Whenever possible, a similar procedure will also be followed for the exercises of the Idea project.

Assessment methods and criteria

The summary appraisal of the learning involves a written examination, including 30 closed-ended questions, aimed at assessing the understanding and ability to apply the laws of physics. The duration of the test is 1 hour. Assigning the test score (0-30) is done by counting the exact answers.
During the course 2 partial tests are given, the passing of which allows you to have a bonus point for each test, for a maximum of 2 points, which is summed up to the score obtained in the written test.
Upon completion of the written test, the student may eventually complement the examination with an oral test to improve the score obtained.
To assist in the preparation of the written test, Elly is provided with exemplifying evidence.
Students can use scientific calculators during the test.
Scores will be published on esse3.
In the event that the health situation prevents the carrying out of the examination tests in person, the tests will take place online using the Teams and Elly platforms.

Other information

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