cod. 20501

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Genetica (BIO/18)
Discipline biologiche
Type of training activity
76 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The student must learn the main information related to basic genetics in agreement with the program and be able to process this information in order to solve practical problems.
In particular, the student should be able to:
1) Know the main concepts related to genetics, with particular reference to Mendel's laws, gene interactions, non-Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal alterations, viral and microorganism genetics, DNA organization, replication and transcription, gene mutation, complex traits and population genetics.
2) Use the specific language of genetics, and of the definitions that underlie the matter; apply mathematical and statistical methods, even complex ones, in order to solve practical problems of genetics, understand basic concepts of genetics in English.
3) Evaluate and interpret data necessary to solve problems related especially to the genetic inheritance; evaluate teaching.
4) Explain the problems related to the main issues addressed.
5) Connect the information learned both with each other and with all the other disciplines previously learned; achieve the basic skills required for inclusion in professional activities related to genetics, with particular reference to genetic counseling


Basics of biology acquired during high school.

Course unit content

The lectures are divided into three parts.
Introduction to genetics, cellular organization, mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle.
Mendel's laws and their applications, verification of genetic hypotheses, extensions and exceptions of Mendel's laws
Gene interaction, gene association, multiple alleles, sex-linked inheritance
Non-Mendelian and extrachromosomal inheritance.
Chromosomes and their structural and numerical alterations.
Gene association, crossing over, recombination, chromosome maps.
Viral and microorganism genetics.
Organization and structure of DNA and chromosomes.
DNA replication, transcription, translation and genetic code.
Mutation, recombination and DNA transposition.
Regulation of gene expression.
Inheritance of complex characters, multifactorial characters and their statistics, correlation between relatives.
Population genetics, principle of

As the course is carried out by the teacher for the first time, the program may undergo little changes during the semester.

Full programme

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One among:
- Genetica, di G. Binelli, D. Ghisotti, EdiSES
- Principi di Genetica, di D.P. Snustad e M.J. Simmmons, EdiSES
- Genetica, di B.A. Pierce, Zanichelli Ed.
- Genetica, di A.J.F. Griffiths, S.R. Wessler, S.B Carroll, J. Doebley, Zanichelli Ed.

Teaching methods

If the public health situation will allow it:
- frontal lessons using Powerpoint (8 CFU).
- exercises during the course and at the end of it in view of the examination (1 CFU).
- at the end of each of the first two parts, two OPTIONAL tests are scheduled, which will not contribute to the final mark and will be followed by the correction in the classroom and the self-assessment.
Based on the public health situation, in particular if the presence in the classroom will be possible for everyone or not, it will be decided whether to upload in Elly the lessons held and recorded on Teams . In any case, before each lesson, the slides that will be discussed in the lesson will be loaded in

Assessment methods and criteria

If the public health situation will allow it, the exam will consist of a single final written test, lasting two hours. The test will be divided into two parts: 8 questions with crosses, usually with 3-5 alternatives, and 6 questions among exercises and theoretical questions with open answers. Each of the 8 questions with crosses is worth one point, while each open question is worth 4 points. To pass the exam, it is necessary and sufficient to answer at least to 6 questions with crosses and reach an overall score of 18. If the correct answers to the questions with crosses are less than 6, I will not proceed further with the correction, and the mark on Esse3 will be "insufficient". If the right answers to the questions are at least 6, I will proceed with the correction of the whole test, and on Esse3 I will publish the score, which I will approximate, in the case of decimal values, always by excess. If the score is less than 18, the exam is considered insufficient. If the score is between 18 and 30, the vote will correspond to the score, and normally you will have 7 days to decide whether to accept or reject the vote. If the score is above 30, the mark will be 30 cum laude.
In NO case an oral examination is scheduled.

Other information

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