cod. 1003366

Academic year 2009/10
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Impianti industriali meccanici (ING-IND/17)
Ingegneria gestionale
Type of training activity
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: QUALITY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT

Learning objectives

The course means to introduce in the formation of the student a general vision of several the aspects of the Quality, Safety and Environmental in the industrial systems and an information on the problematic about the measuring, monitoring and control of the production processes. In such sense the course is proposed of giving the main references for the planning and management of the Quality, Safety and Environmental in the industrial systems, showing the most important methodologies of analysis and recalling the normative standards and the national and international legislation


<p>Some concepts of Statistic</p>

Course unit content

<p>Introduction to the Industrial Management System. The Quality Concept Development. The traditional and modern approach to the Quality. Strategy of implementation of the Total Quality Management (TQM). Quality Management in the production processes. Problem solving and Quality statistical Instruments. The continuous improvement. International standards of quality (ISO 9000). </p>
<p>The environmental risks. The relevant risks in the industrial activities (D.Lgs. 334/99 - "Seveso bis"). Measurement of the Environmental impact. The International Standards for the Safety and the Environmental (ISO 14001, EMAS regulations, BS 8800, OHSAS 18001, OHSAS 18002). Factors of risk in the productive activities. Survey and measure of the risk factors. Dates analyses statistics and interpretation. Maps of risk. <br />

Full programme

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Stamatis, D.H., 1997, TQM Engineering Handbook – Quality and Reliability, Dekker, NY <br />
Smith, G., 1993, Statistical process control and quality improvement, Macmillan, NY <br />
Slides given by the professor.

Teaching methods

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The course will be developed also with practical exercitation. </p>
<p>Examination methods: Written exam. <br />
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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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