Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the students acquire the basic knowledge related to programming, planning and managing operations.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Students can independently design the management of operations and the main processes related to them, adopting the most appropriate management policies to the context. The students can profitably use the acquired knowledge to analyze and process numerical data in order to support their decisions.
Making judgments
The students can critically evaluate and design a production system; moreover they can choose and implement monitoring tools aimed at planning and scheduling operations.
Communication skills
The students acquire specific vocabulary relating to operations management. At the end of the course the student shall communicate his knowledge both written and oral, showing his capability of solving numerical problems related to the main topics of the course (i.e. MPS, MRP, MRP II, etc.) by means of commonly used tools such as tables, block diagrams or flowcharts.
Learning skills
Students attending the course may deepen their knowledge in the field of operation management by consulting specialized journals or specific literature.
Course unit content
The management of a “production system” requires simultaneously both direct experiences gained in the field and knowledge, methods, techniques and models that require theoretical background. Accordingly, this course presents models and techniques that can be usefully adopted to plan, program and manage operations.
Full programme
1. demand forecast
2. materials management
3. flow production planning
4. batch production planning
5. basics project management
6. the study of the work: analysis methods
7. the study of the work: analysis of the times
8. the production plan
9. the master production shedule
10. material requirements planning (MRP) and manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)
11. the bill of materials (BOM)
12. scheduling and control of production activities
1 - Handout prepared by professor
2 - Operations Management nella produzione e nei servizi 3/ed (Richard B. Chase, Robert F. Jacobs, Alberto Grando, Andrea Sianesi - ISBN: 9788838667183,
3 - Factory Physics (Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman - ISBN-10: 1577667395)
4 - Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems (Vollmann, Berry, Whybark)
Teaching methods
Theory lessons interspersed with numerical exercises and case studies.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of a written test including both theoretical questions and exercises.
Other information
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