First cycle and single-cycle degree courses

Degree course
Chronological access
course in italian
class L-38

The degree course in Livestock science and animal production technologies was created with the aim of creating professionals capable of responding to the needs of livestock and processing enterprises in the national production context. The training course lasts three years. The third year of the course is structured in curricula. Currently they are: Animal production sciences (SPA, for those who intend to work on livestock farms for livestock production; oriented towards livestock enterprises, therefore towards aspects related to food production (animal breeding, feeding, genetic improvement, reproduction, preservation of biodiversity, etc.), Animal production technologies, typicality and safety (TTSPA, mainly oriented towards the management and control of processing of food of animal origin), Equine sciences and techniques (STE, which concerns activities related to the care and assistance in the management of horses).

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Career-oriented degree
Admission test
course in italian
class L-P02

The vocational degree course in Dairy Enterprise Technology and Management has been developed along the Emilia milk route. It is an inter-university course with the University of Milan in collaboration with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics, Lodi hub.
The degree course aims to train graduates in a field of great importance for the country's economy, the dairy industry. The main pillar of the course is the internships that will allow the student to verify and apply directly in the dairy farms the theoretical knowledge, both basic and specialised, acquired during the three years.
The highly professional training acquired will enable graduates to find employment in all the production realities of the dairy sector, in laboratories and control structures, and to carry out freelance activities as company consultants.
The teaching site of the Degree Course is the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences in Parma.

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Single-cycle degree course 5 years
Admission test
course in italian
class LM-42

The single-cycle degree in Veterinary Medicine is a course with limited access and compulsory attendance. The aim of the single-cycle degree course in Veterinary Medicine is to train physicians to an initial professional level characterised by a multidisciplinary and integrated vision, achieved through the acquisition of knowledge and skills, enabling him/her to make professional choices in the various fields in which veterinary surgeons work, with full decision-making autonomy.

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