cod. 1012491

Anno accademico 2024/25
2° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Geologia stratigrafica e sedimentologica (GEO/02)
A scelta dello studente
Tipologia attività formativa
A scelta dello studente
72 ore
di attività frontali
6 crediti
sede: PARMA

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims to prepare students to approach to the reservoir and seal properties focusing on the sedimentary rocks.


Basic (first degree) knowledge of sedimentology, stratigraphy, petrography and structural geology.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

Living in times characterized by a growing interest toward the storage aimed to sequestrate CO2 wastes or to natural gas stokes, this course will focus on the main sedimentary, stratigraphic, structural aspects useful in the recognition of rock reservoir (in porous media and evaporitic bodies) and seals.

Programma esteso

Teachers: Balsamo Prof. Fabrizio (B), Iaffaldano Prof. Giampiero (I), Manzi Prof. Vinicio (M), Pizzati Prof. Mattia (P), Storti Prof. Fabrizio (S)

Why storage? Introduction to the course (2h; B, M)
- Introduction to the course
- European road to Carbon neutrality 2050
- Types of storage (short- to long-term) and their use

Primary porosity in reservoir rocks (4h; B, M, P)
- selective sedimentary processes: an overview
- textural rock properties, porosity in siliciclastic deposits and in carbonate deposits
- microscope analyses on selected samples

Secondary porosity in reservoir rocks (4h; B, P)
- deformation bands in porous rocks
- fracturing in tight rocks

Geophysical logs for reservoir and seals identification (4h; B, M, S)
- geophysical logs and porosity evaluation
- geophysical logs for seals recognition

Diagenesis (4h; B, M, P)
- diagenesis in siliciclastic deposits, carbonates and evaporites
- microscope analyses on selected samples

Reservoir vs. seal role of sedimentary rocks (2h; M)
- terrigenous seals
- evaporitic seals
- evaporitic reservoir

Structural traps (12h: I, S)
- fracturing in faults and folds
- salt tectonics
- induced seismicity

Field trip: porous rocks and seals (40h; B, I, M, P, S)
4-days field trip focused on the outcrop expression of porous rocks reservoir and evaporitic seals.


Documentation (slides and scientific articles) provided by the teachers.

Metodi didattici

Lectures classroom exercises, laboratory analyses, field activity.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Group and/or individual presentation on case studies on sedimentary and deformed successions in the main Mediterranean or European basins.

Altre informazioni

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Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

- European Great Deal
- Making the EU climate neutral by 2050
- Affordable and clean energy
- Climate action