Obiettivi formativi
At the end of the learning experience, the student is supposed to be fully aware of how urban planning instruments work, to know how to apply them to a case study of urban regeneration and to communicate the design choices and outcomes.
The student is supposed to have a slight conscience on institutional themes concerning the city and, mostly, on procedures of urban analysis.
Contenuti dell'insegnamento
The course deals with the topics of urban planning declined with a focus on urban sustainability, with reference to the UN Sustainable Development Goal n. 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”.
The course tackles the basic principles of urban and regional planning, providing elements for the construction of the cognitive framework of the territory, seen as a dynamic system with high complexity. Then, elements of urban planning techniques will be provided, paying particular attention to the planning of urban units (the neighbourhood, the neighbourhood, the community), their mobility system and public spaces and services.
During the Design Studio, students will have the opportunity to apply the theory to a case study of Urban Regeneration for a mid-sized European City.
The topics of the course are:
- Introduction on sustainability and contemporary urban challenges;
- the origins of urban and regional planning;
- the territory as a highly complex dynamic system;
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as tools for urban planning;
- urban planning surveys (physical, historical, social, economic);
- the basic principles of sustainable urban planning;
- planning of urban units: housing estates, the neighbourhood, the community;
- the design of public spaces;
- the main elements for mobility planning in urban environments.
Gehl Jan, Cities for people, Island Press, Wahington, 2010
Hall P., Tewdwr-Jones M., Urban and Regional Planning, Routledge, 2011
Lehmann S., Low Carbon Cities. Transforming Urban Systems, Routledge, 2015
Parker G., Street E., Contemporary Planning Practice, Macmillan International, London, 2021
Further readings:
Global Designing Cities Initiative, Global Street Design Guide, Island Press, 2016
Hack G., Birch E., Sedway P., Silver M., Local Planning. Contemporary Principles and Practices, 2014
Regional Plan Association, Community Design Manual, 2011
The Urban Task Force, Towards an Urban Renaissance, Spon Press, 1999
Tira M., Van der Krabben E., Zanon B., Land Management for Urban Dynamics, Maggioli, 2011
United Nations, New Urban Agenda, 2017 (
Ventura P., Calderon E.J., Tiboni M., Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Urban Communities, Mc-Graw Hill, 2011
Ventura P., La città nuova. Elementi di progettazione urbanistica, McGraw-Hill, 2018
Metodi didattici
- Lectures on the cultural and technical aspects of urban planning for sustainability;
- Integrated design studio on Urban Regeneration for an European middle-sized city;
- Study visits and seminars.
Modalità verifica apprendimento
Final exam, composed of three aspects:
1) discussion about solutions and statements assumed for the practical Urban Regeneration Design work;
2) oral or written test on theoretical and cultural aspects;
3) assignments to be delivered during the course.
For further details, see the corresponding voice for the “URBAN PLANNING STUDIO FOR THE SUSTAINABLE CITY”.
Altre informazioni
Attending 70% of the lessons is compulsory for admission to final exam.