cod. 1010626

Anno accademico 2023/24
2° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Fisica tecnica ambientale (ING-IND/11)
"discipline fisico-tecniche ed impiantistiche per l'architettura"
Tipologia attività formativa
40 ore
di attività frontali
4 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: ENVIRONMENTAL APPLIED PHYSICS

Obiettivi formativi

See the main page of the course (identifier: 1010625)


To successfully follow the teaching course it is necessary to have acquired the basic notions of Technical Physics required as part of the three-year degree course.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

See the main page of the course (identifier: 1010625)

Programma esteso

Fundamentals of applied acoustics and human perception of sound
The fundamental quantities of acoustics
The sound level meter and frequency analysis
Sound propagation in open and closed environments
Sizing of noise barriers
Passive acoustic requirements of buildings, laws and technical standards
Reverberation time and impulse response measurement

The fundamental dimensions of lighting engineering
Principles of visual comfort in natural light
Artificial lighting inside the rooms and outside
Light pollution, street and outdoor lighting with low impact on the starry sky


Recommended texts:

Thomas D. Rossing (ed.): Springer Handbook of Acoustics , Springer Science + Business Media, New York (2014) - ISBN: 9781493907540

Medved, S. (2022). Visual Comfort and Architectural Lighting. In: Building Physics. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering . Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74390-1_4

However, for the majority of students, the material made available by the teacher via Internet (Powerpoint slides) should be sufficient.

Metodi didattici

Lectures and frontal exercises.
The material presented during the lessons (slides) is made available in advance on the Elly platform.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Written exam with numerical calculation exercises and multiple choice theory questions.
During the written exam, the use of notes is permitted. It is necessary to have a calculator, sheet of paper, pencil or pen.

Oral exam with open theory questions. The use of notes is NOT permitted during the oral exam. It is necessary to have a calculator, sheet of paper, pencil or pen.

In no way and at any time will the use of tablets, PCs, smartphones, and any other IT support be permitted, whether without or equipped with internet, wi-fi, bluetooth connectivity.

Altre informazioni

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Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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