cod. 1008303

Anno accademico 2019/20
1° anno di corso - Annuale
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Urbanistica (ICAR/21)
Progettazione urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale
Tipologia attività formativa
60 ore
di attività frontali
6 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: URBAN PLANNING STUDIO FOR THE SUSTAINABLE CITY

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims at providing theoretical and practical tools for the open space assessment and planning in the urban environment.
At the end of the learning experience, the student is supposed:
- to acquire knowledge in open space assessment,
- to develop proper practical skills to approach open space analysis and planning, including GIS techniques.
- to develop specific communication skills and be autonomous in further learning concerning the issues of open space planning and design.


The student is supposed to have a slight conscience on institutional themes concerning the city and, mostly, on procedures of urban analysis.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The course deals with the topics of open space planning and urban ecology, providing methods and tools for the construction of a cognitive framework of the urban environment, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
The course tackles also the basic principles of human geography, sociology and economics of urban spaces and explore the relationship among urban form, functions, open space planning and urban ecology.
The following topics will be treated:
- Transformability of urban open spaces in the contemporary city: urbanisation processes, economic constraints, urban sociology, urban morphology, land consumption and ecocity criteria;
- Open space assessment and planning with the support of GIS technology: assessing the quality and role of open spaces, the mutual setting of public and private sphere (synergies and conflicts), the public equipment as a reference of the community life and the public space ecological performance.
- Design tools for urban quality and people involvement: sustainable planning strategies, social equity (right-to-the-city), pedestrian-oriented public spaces, environmental benefits of an ecological design (de-sealing practices).

Programma esteso

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- Jan Gehl, Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York 1987
- Jan Gehl, Cities for people, Island Press, 2010
- Peter G. Hall, Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century, 2013, IV ed., Blackwell Publishers
- Kevin Lynch, The image of the city, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1960
- Paolo Ventura, La città nuova. Elementi di progettazione urbanistica, McGraw-Hill, 2018

Metodi didattici

- Lectures on the cultural aspects of open space planning and design.
- GIS Exercises: Building a Relational Database in a GIS environment as a support to open space analysis and planning in a European middle-sized city (software: Quantum GIS).
- Integrated design studio for the urban Regeneration of an urban block in a European middle-sized city.
- Study trips and seminars.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

The final exam consists of three parts:
1) assignment to be delivered during the course: the GIS Database built in groups of maximum 3 students.
2) discussion about solutions and statements assumed for the practical Urban Regeneration Design work;
3) oral test on theoretical and cultural aspects.
For further details, see the corresponding course “URBAN PLANNING STUDIO FOR THE SUSTAINABLE CITY”

Altre informazioni

Attending 70% of the lessons is compulsory for admission to final exam.

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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