Enrolment procedures and deadlines

Enrolment is subject to passing the admission selection and being placed on the ranking list.

Detailed information on the participation and registration procedures can be found in the call for applications, which is uploaded to the Announcements and Competitions section of the Department's website It is possible to reapply in the second selection session if you do not pass the first session or do not fall within the number of admitted candidates.
For further information on enrolment and fees, please visit the University website

Access requirements

The curricular requirements for access correspond to the basic contents of degree courses in classes L-18 (ex DM 270/04), 17 (ex DM 509/99), L-33 (ex DM 270/04), 28 (ex DM 509/99), 37 (ex DM 509/99) or L-41 (ex DM 270/04).

A specific knowledge of SECS-P/08 is also required. In particular: graduates in Classes 17 (ex DM 509/99), L-18 (ex DM 270/04), 28 (ex DM 509/99), L-33 (ex DM 270/04), 37 (ex DM 509/99) or L-41 (ex DM 270/04) are required to have at least 9 CFUs in the field of SECS-P/08.

Admission is also open to graduates of other classes on the basis of the admission requirements set out in the Course Regulations.

In order to guarantee the quality of the academic curriculum of the Second-cycle degree graduates in Trade and Consumer Marketing and their valuable and qualified placement in the world of work, access to the course is subject to passing an admission test. Candidates not yet in possession of a degree may also participate, provided that they meet the ECTS credits requirements set out in the Course Regulations.

Admission procedures

In order to guarantee the quality of the academic curriculum of Second-cycle degree graduates in Trade and Consumer Marketing and their qualified placement in the world of work, access to the Course is subject to passing an admission selection/test.

The Course of Study pays particular attention to the continuous improvement of the methods used by the Course of Study to assess the individual preparation of candidates.
An ad hoc survey of students showed that the presence of an admission test and a guarantee of seriousness in the selection of candidates (according to 70% of respondents).

Graduating students are also allowed to take the test/selection, provided they obtain their degree by the dates specified in the Announcement of Admission.

Please note that only candidates who are already in possession - by the closing date for applications for the selection itself - of the ECTS credits indicated as requirements, and who graduate by the dates indicated in the Announcement, may participate in the selection/test.

In order to make up any debts, candidates may add to their three-year course of study, if still in progress, the examinations necessary to achieve the required ECTS credits.

It is strongly recommended that you check your situation by contacting the course president several months in advance, in order to be able to clear your debts in good time and to get advice on the most suitable courses.

If candidates have already completed the First-cycle course, in order to make up debts they can enrol at the university (their home university or also in Parma) and sit single exams: there is, however, a maximum limit of 30 ECTS credits per academic year that can be acquired through single exams and a fee is payable for each exam.

The admission procedures, the date of the admission test/selection, the deadlines and all the information required for enrolment are published each year on the Department of Economics and Management website at the following address: https://sea.unipr.it/it/bandi-e-concorsi and, above all, on the Course of Study website, in the Admission Test section


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.economia@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 902377

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Maria Cristina Tamani
T. +39 0521 032454
Office E. didattica.sea@unipr.it
Manager E. mariacristina.tamani@unipr.it 

President of the degree course

prof. Cristina Ziliani
E. cristina.ziliani@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

prof. Silvia Bellini
E. silvia.bellini@unipr.it

Carrer guidance delegate

prof. Chiari Panari
E. chiara.panari@unipr.it

Tutor Professor

prof. Silvia Bellini
E. silvia.bellini@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

prof. Maria Cecilia Mancini
E. mariacecilia.mancini@unipr.it 
prof. Donata Tania Vergura
E. donatatania.vergura@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

prof. Silvia Bellini
E. silvia.bellini@unipr.it


E. tirocini@unipr.it

Tutor student

dott. Anna Boncompagni

E. anna.boncompagni@unipr.it 

dott. Sofia Laudani

E. sofia.laudani@unipr.it