cod. 14397

Academic year 2016/17
6° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Medicina interna (MED/09)
Clinica generale medica e chirurgica
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: MEDICAL CLINIC AND GERIATRICS (ATT SEM I)

Learning objectives

knowledge about the comprehensive management of patients suffering from internal diseases


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Course unit content

The classes will help to get knowledge of epidemiological, physiopathological, clinical and therapeutical aspects of internal medicine diseases such as osteoporosis primary and secondary, hypovitaminosis D and osteomalacia, Paget diseases of bone, 1° hyperparathyroidism, and thrombo-embolic diseases.

Full programme

1) Heart failure and aritmia particularly in the elderly
2) Patient with thoracic pain , differential diagnosis and clinical approach, evaluation of the main instrumental and biochemical investigations
3)Hypertension: diagnostic evaluations and therapy also in the elderly
4) malnutrition in the elderly, anorexia and obesity
5) CODP,asthma and chronic respiratory failure
6) Infectious diseases (Pneumonia, Infezioni delle vie UTI , Sepsis): diagnosis and therapy
7) Fever: physiopathology, causes and clinical approach
8) Osteoporosis, PagetDisease, Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia.
9) Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
10) Clinical approach to the patient with lynfoadenomegaly and splenomegaly
11) Clinical evaluation of patients with platelet disease (low platelet count)
12)Anemie: causes, diagnosis and therapy
13) Liver diseases,jaundice
14) Diabetes Mellito: diagnosi, terapia farmacologica (insulinica e con ipoglicemizzanti orali), prevenzione e trattamento delle complicanze micro e macrovascolari.
15) Dislipidemia and atherosclerosis
16) prevention of CV risk
17) Metabolic syndrome
18) Cerebrovascular disease : prevention and therapy.
19) Endocrine diseases in aging
20) Dementia: Differential diagnosis and therapy
21) Immobilization syndrome , urinary incontinence and stipsi
22) Pharmacologic therapy in the elderly
23) Physical frailty sindrome
24)Sarcopenia and its clinical consequences
25) Comptrehensive geriatria assessment (CGA)


1) Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, XVIII° ed. Mc Grow Hill ed.
2) Rugarli, Medicina Interna sistematica VI° ed, elsevier ed.

Teaching methods

All classes will start from the description of a real patient, and then during the description of the different aspect of the disease the real clinical aspect of single patients wil be taken into consideration.
Therapeutical aspect will be considered in practical fashion.

Assessment methods and criteria

An oral test will start from the description of a specific patient, and the student will discuss in a critical fashion the different diagnostic options in order to reach a specific diagnosis, that will be followed by the definition of a therapeutical approach.
This test will allow to evaluate the knowledge as well as the clinical skill of the student

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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