cod. 21328

Academic year 2010/11
1° year of course - First semester
Giuseppe LIPPI
Academic discipline
Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica (BIO/12)
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: LABORATORY ANALYSIS APPLIED TO SPORTS

Learning objectives

This course aims to provide the informations and the scientific background to approach correctly the practical aspects in Clinical Biochemistry (also out of conventional laboratories) to figure out the complexity concerning the biological samples and the possible sources of error, with respect to analysis in the sport ambit aiming the prevention of illicit expedients, the athlete health or the role of clinical biochemistry in the monitoring of training.


There are no obligatory prerequisites, but several topics in Clinical Biochemistry are part of an interdisciplinary science, thus the student needs the basic knowledge in Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Course unit content

<p>Laboratory medicine with regard to sport doping prevention. Laboratory tests: definition, typology, request modality. Biological sample: properties and characteristics. Pre-analytical and analytical variabilities affecting the laboratory data. Strategy about laboratory investigation of prohibited substances or methods: direct detection or recognition of biochemical alteration induced on the metabolisms. </p>
<p>Basic biochemical analysis profiles. Markers of  organ function or damage mainly with respect to  skeletal muscle, liver, kidney and heart.</p>
<p>Current waived test. Point of care testing (POCT): use and application. Criteria for test waiving. Quality control in POCT. Implementation and monitoring of POCT. Specimen and its treatment in POCT. Analytical basic principles of prohibited substances belonging to the following classes: stimulants, narcotics, diuretics, peptide hormones, anti-estrogens, masking tools. Analytical basic principles to investigate the following prohibited methods: haematic doping, chemical or physical or pharmacological manipulation, genetic doping. <br />

Full programme

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<p>S.D.Ferrara. Doping Antidoping -Piccin </p>
<p>L. Spandrio: Biochimica Clinica. Ed. Sorbona, Milano</p>

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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