cod. 1010774

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course students must have acquired knowledge related to the community and integrated approach of social work, making theoretical and practical experience of collaborative techniques. Relevant focus will be devoted to the role of the social worker within the work of designing and directing the social contexts involved, thus reflecting on the political role of the social worker within the local community.


No prerequisites required

Course unit content

Community welfare, how is it done? Care in communities, energy of social tissues, potential to be activated, keys to citizenship.
Collaborative methods: photovoice, World Café, Open Space Technology, Restorative Circles.

Full programme

-Acting with a community approach
-The community social worker
-Working driven by desire
-Cultural paradigms influencing social work
-Change and diversify work processes
-Collaborative methods such as Community "enzymes"
-The Photovoice
-The World Cafe
-The Open Space Technology
-The Restorative Circles


-“Metodi collaborativi. Strumenti per il lavoro sociale di comunità” a cura di Ennio Ripamonti, Davide Boniforti. Le matite di Animazione Sociale (primi 5 capitoli, fino a pag. 64)
-"Il lavoro sociale in ottica di comunità. Idee, visioni, metodi di lavoro" Le matite di Animazione Sociale. (Da pag. 8 a pag. 36. Da pag.49 a pag. 60. e da pag.74 a pag. 95)

Teaching methods

The lessons will focus on an explanation part of the main reference theories and a practice of collaborative techniques through the involvement of students.

Assessment methods and criteria

The method of evaluation of the objectives achieved will be through a WRITTEN exam (multiple choice quiz) with n. 30 questions, which will cover all the topics covered during the lessons, seminars and in the bibliography, to evaluate the study and learning of theoretical/practical notions.

The test lasts 1 hour.

Each question is worth 1 point, for a maximum total of 30 points.

The student must answer all the questions.

For Erasmus students and with special needs the duration of the test will be 1h and 20 minutes

Other information

Students are received by appointment (by email contact) or in presence at the beginning or at the end of the lessons of the module.