Learning objectives
Learning and cultivating a sociological outlook on historical and contemporary phenomena; developing a critical sense also in relation to the different traditions of thought proposed
Written text comprehension
Course unit content
The course is an introduction to classical and contemporary sociological thought. It proposes a course - articulating theories and themes of sociology - with a focus on interdisciplinary connections and the comparison of sociological perspectives that diverge in terms of assumptions, articulation of theories, methods of investigation and ethical/political analysis.
Through the in-depth study of key themes of contemporary sociological debate, the course aims to stimulate understanding of associated life, sociological imagination and its application.
Full programme
The first part of the course (6 cfu) is devoted to classical authors, theoretical
perspectives and themes that marked the rise and development
of sociology in the 19th century. The genesis of the discipline, its distinctive dimensions and theories are presented: the structural-functionalist perspective, the
critical perspective and actor theories. For each theoretical perspective proposed
the assumptions, arguments, fundamental categories, themes and
themes and the main contemporary developments are mentioned. Among the themes,
particular attention is on the process of socialisation, the
institutions, notions of culture, power and inequality. Specific insights are offered on exponents of the discipline who have marked its history, including Durkheim, Marx, Weber,
Simmel, Mead, Parsons.
The second part of the course (6 cfu) is dedicated to an in-depth study of the
contemporary authors and the themes on which the current international sociological debate is centered.
Different theories of contemporary society are analyzed and compared on the same themes, including: globalization, social and cultural change, ecological justice and the transition to late-modernity. In turn, the topics are treated according to the discipline's key interpretative categories in an interdisciplinary dialogue.
Particular emphasis is placed on the theme of justice, of particular
interest in the sociological debate on the ethical/political level and in critical theory. Specific in-depth studies are offered on authors including Bourdieu, Goffman,
Habermas, Bauman, Beck, Giddens.
In view of the examination (6 and 12 cfu) attending and non-attending students are required to prepare:
GHERARDI L. (ed.) Scoprire la sociologia, teorie e temi essenziali, Pearson, Milan 2020.
A list of notions useful for the exam will be published at the end of the course on the Elly platform
Only for the 12 cfu exam: GHERARDI L., La dotazione. L'azione sociale oltre la giustizia, Mimesis, Milan 2018.
Only for the 6 cfu exam: Bosi A., Le stagioni del leggerescrivere, Unicopli, Milano 2023
Teaching methods
Lessons in presence. The interactions between students and teacher are stimulated by discussion at the end of every lesson
Assessment methods and criteria
12 cfu: oral examination
6 cfu: written examination
Other information
12 cfu: oral examination
6 cfu: written examination
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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