cod. 1009446

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - Second semester
Diana POLI
Academic discipline
Chimica analitica (CHIM/01)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: Obtain the fundamental knowledge to comprehend the system of professions and the fields where chemical activity takes place, even in unconventional sectors.
Awareness of current chemical agent regulations.
To understand the risk of exposure to chemical agents, with particular focus on health and safety measures.
To develop the ability to understand professional ethics, limits and areas of expertise.
Applied knowledge and understanding: practical cases will be illustrated, using journalistic information and sentences handed down by the courts.
Autonomy of judgment: students will need to develop autonomy to judge whether professional behaviors are ethically correct.
Communication skills: students must acquire the formal language, which enables to communicate properly with colleagues and institutions.
Learning skills: students will be encouraged to understand and interpret current and future regulations.



Course unit content

- Regulated profession in Italy
- Regulatory framework for the chemist’s profession
- Key elements for employment and career opportunities.
- Constant training and the ECM system
- The competence of professionals and the competence of accrediting bodies.
- EU regulations and chemical agents
- Risks, preventive measures, and protection in relation to the use and exposure to chemical agents.

Full programme

Health professions and areas of expertise. The chemist's specific skills in relation to the RD 842/1928 and DPR 328/2001. The professions that are reserved for exclusive use and the professions that are not reserved for use. Relationships among different legal systems. The hierarchy of legislative measures. Legal and technical regulations for the profession. National system of state exams for professions and qualifying degrees. Innovations introduced by law 3/2018. The order system: territorial professional associations , Federations and professional bodies. Professions requiring registration for chemists. Health profession's abusive exercise. Career opportunities and productive sectors for chemists. The concept of constant training and the ECM system. Insurance matters and social security aspects.
Chemical laboratories: the competences of the Orders, the skills of the professional and the competence of the accreditation bodies (ACCREDIA). EU regulations relevant for chemists (e.g. chemical agents, waste, environmental pollution, occupational exposure to chemicals).



Teaching methods

In addition to lectures in which the basic themes are discussed, seminars will be organised on specific topics such as chemical classification, laboratory accreditation and waste management. The teacher will be at the student's disposal for any clarification or explanation about the topics addressed during the course. The PDF material will be available on the course web site.

Assessment methods and criteria

Application of knowledge and understanding: the student will present and discuss a practical case regarding the topics covered. The success of the exam is contingent on a student's ability to correctly align themselves with the proposed case and the topics discussed, providing ideas for discussion independently.

Other information
