cod. 17248

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
25 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to prepare undergraduates or new engineers for the state examinations for qualification to practice as an engineer, providing the fundamentals of professional ethics and the main legislative references on the practice of the profession.


Due to its purpose it is advisable to take the course at the end of the Bachelor's or Master's degree program.

Course unit content

Main law regulations about the engineer professional activity.

Regulations of professional ethics.

Full programme

Ethics and deontology
Professional Ethics and Deontology: origins and practical application.
The Code of Ethics for Italian engineers.
Fees for professional services.

Exercise of the profession
Civil and criminal law relating to the exercise of the profession: obligations and responsibilities.
Joint and several liability.
Territorial government and concurrent legislative powers.

Organs of the Order
The National Council of Engineers.
The territorial professional Order.
The territorial Disciplinary Council.
Disciplinary offence and sanctions.
The disciplinary procedure.

Legislation of public works
Fundamentals of legislation of the public works with reference to the fundamental laws, to the regulations and to the general specifications with examples.

Treatment and security of personal data
Modalities of access and preservation of personal data (privacy) in the treatment by computer. D.Lgs. 7 March 2005 n. 82 - digital administration code, Pec and digital signature, electronic signature and identity card. Software copyright and principles relating to intrusions in computer systems.

Urban planning and building regulations
National and local regulations on urban planning and construction.
Procedures and obligations related to the design and implementation of building interventions: fundamentals and examples.

Workers health and safety regulations
Regulations on safety and health of workers: design and management of safety on construction sites with examples.

Energy saving and sustainability
Standards and rules of art on the containment of energy consumption, eco-sustainability of building materials, classification and energy certification of buildings, energy regulation and bonus systems.


Lecture recordings can be accessed via link from the Elly page of the course. Handouts of the lessons held in the previous academic years (in Italian language), largely equivalent to the current course contents, are also available on the website of the University of Parma:

Teaching methods

Theoretical video lessons recorded to attend in self-training.
The material can be accessed from the Elly page of the course via a link to the appropriate page on the website of the Order of Engineers of Parma. At each link, in order to access to the single lessons, it is necessary to register, providing name, surname and institutional e-mail address (
Please note that for the academic year 2021/22 the link is active only in the period 01/03/2022 - 03/06/2022.

Assessment methods and criteria

Attendance of at least 70% of the course will result in the recognition of 1 cfu. The verification of attendance is carried out by the system by recording the connection times to the video lessons.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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