Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to teach the fundamentals of the neurosciences with strong implications for the visual system.
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Course unit content
Signs and symptoms of neurological clinical practice
Disorders of the peripheral nervous system
Involuntary movements
Myasthenia and CMS autoimmune syndromes.
Anatomy of the main optic pathways and accessories
Full programme
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R. Adams, M. Victor, A. Ropper: 'Principles of neurology' ed Mc Graw Hill;
J. Cambier, M. Masson, H. Dehen: 'Neurologia' ed Massson
Teaching methods
The contents of the course. will be illustrated and discussed during the lectures.
The course will be supported by the presentation of clinical cases, in order to provide the opportunity for each student to be able to measure in real-life conditions the practical use of the main diagnostic tools learned during lectures.
Assessment methods and criteria
The first step in assessing the student' learning will be made through an written question on several topics of the course program.
After this test student' knowledge will be made checking his analytical capacity regarding clinical cases of typical and atypical presentation of neuro-ophthalmological disorders; in this way the teacher will evaluate not only the memory performance of each student related to study and repetition of the lessons, but also his ability of synthesis, thinking, learning, pondering and fusion of the elements of study in itself.
Other information
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