cod. 1011054

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

GENERAL SURGERY. Acquiring the theoretical basis of surgical science; especially symptoms and therapy of the most common abdominal diseases.
INTERNAL MEDICINE. The course aims to enable the student to know and to understand the essential elements of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of internal medicine general interest, also in order to allow the student the ability to use knowledge and understanding acquired in identifying the patient's problems related to the condition of the person suffering from the disease to internal medicine and general preparation of a plan of care appropriately.
PHARMACOLOGY. The course aims to allow the student to know and to understand the principles that govern the interactions of drugs with the body, the principles of general toxicology, the adverse reactions of drugs and their evaluation, the fundamental aspects associated with the therapeutic use of some drugs of more specific interest, with potential ototoxic effects. Applying the knowledge and the comprehension acquired, the student will be able to help to prevent complications from the use of drugs with potential ototoxic effects.
MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. The course aims to enable students to know and understand the major maxillofacial diseases and to orientate on the appropriate surgical treatment. This does not mean the direct transfer of this knowledge on a practical application (the maxillofacial surgery is a discipline of medical relevance), but the capacity of the practitioner to identify diseases and direct patients to an expert for a correct solution.


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Course unit content

GENERAL SURGERY. Acquiring the theoretical basis of surgical science; especially symptoms and therapy of the most common abdominal diseases.
INTERNAL MEDICINE. The course aims to enable the student to know and to understand the essential elements of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of internal medicine general interest, also in order to allow the student the ability to use knowledge and understanding acquired in identifying the patient's problems related to the condition of the person suffering from the disease to internal medicine and general preparation of a plan of care appropriately.
PHARMACOLOGY. The course aims to allow the student to know and to understand the principles that govern the interactions of drugs with the body, the principles of general toxicology, the adverse reactions of drugs and their evaluation, the fundamental aspects associated with the therapeutic use of some drugs of more specific interest, with potential ototoxic effects. Applying the knowledge and the comprehension acquired, the student will be able to help to prevent complications from the use of drugs with potential ototoxic effects.
MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. The course aims to enable students to know and understand the major maxillofacial diseases and to orientate on the appropriate surgical treatment. This does not mean the direct transfer of this knowledge on a practical application (the maxillofacial surgery is a discipline of medical relevance), but the capacity of the practitioner to identify diseases and direct patients to an expert for a correct solution.

Full programme

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GENERAL SURGERY. Alloni R, Destrebecq A, Gianotti L, Poma S. Infermieristica Clinica in Chirurgia. Hoepli, Milano

Medicina Interna - Renato Massini - 3^ Edizione - McGraw - Hill
Manuale di Medicina Interna - Ranuccio Nuti - Edizioni Minerva Medica

PHARMACOLOGY. Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Flower RJ, Henderson G. Farmacologia. Milano: Elsevier, Italian last edition

MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. Brusati R, Chiapasco M. Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale. Masson

Teaching methods

GENERAL SURGERY. Class lessons: the different topics of the program will be illustrated with the aid of slides and videos. Students will be encouraged to the discussion and to the study of problems outlined during the lessons themselves.
INTERNAL MEDICINE. Clinical activities at the bedside hospitalised.
PHARMACOLOGY. Class lessons: the program themes will be discussed with the aid of slides. The proposed topics will be the subject of collective discussion and study on the basis of ideas and any questions raised during the lessons themselves.
MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. Class lessons: the program themes will be discussed with the aid of slides. The proposed topics will be the subject of collective discussion and study on the basis of ideas and any questions raised during the lessons themselves.
Due to the emergency situation, lessons may also be delivered remotely (either in synchronous or asynchronous mode) via Microsoft Teams.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation will be carried out through an oral examination. Questions/student: at least four questions (at least one/discipline) on one of the topics listed in the extended program. Failure to answer to one question will prevent the successful completion of the examination.
At the end of the verification of each discipline, the examiner will formulate a judgment expressed in examination grades:
30/30. Excellent knowledge and understanding. Excellent capability to apply knowledge to problems of specific interest for technical audioprosthesists.
27-29/30. Very good knowledge and understanding of the subjects. Very good ability to apply knowledge to problems of specific interest for technical audioprosthesists.
24-26/30. Good knowledge and understanding of the subjects. Good ability to apply the knowledge to problems of specific interest for technical audioprosthesists.
21-23/30. Sufficient knowledge and understanding of the subjects. Sufficient ability to apply the knowledge to problems of specific interest for technical audioprosthesists.
18-20/30. Lack of knowledge and understanding of the subjects. Lack of ability to apply knowledge to problems of specific interest for technical audioprosthesists.
Full marks cum laude will be reserved for the student who has achieved an overall evaluation of 30/30, taking into account his autonomy in making judgments, the communication skills and the learning skills. The examiners will decide the final mark jointly.

Other information

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